Sample Code

OSX Driver and Kext Samples/ HID_Utilities/ HID_Utilities/ build/ Release/ HID Utilities.framework/ Versions/ A/ Headers/ HID_Utilities_External.h/

//	    File: HID_Utilities_External.h
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	Abstract: External interface for HID Utilities, can be used with either library or source.
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	 Version: 2.0
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	Disclaimer: IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms.  If you do
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	redistribute this Apple software.
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms;
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software.
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	without specific prior written permission from Apple.  Except as
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated.
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
//	Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#ifndef _HID_Utilities_External_h_
#define _HID_Utilities_External_h_

// ==================================

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ==================================


#include <stdio.h>
#include "IOHIDLib_.h"

// ==================================

 @typedef IOHIDElementCookie
 @abstract Abstract data type used as a unique identifier for an element.
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint32_t IOHIDElementCookie;
typedef void *IOHIDElementCookie;

// Device and Element Interfaces

enum HIDElementTypeMask {
	kHIDElementTypeInput = 1 << 1,
	kHIDElementTypeOutput = 1 << 2,
	kHIDElementTypeFeature = 1 << 3,
	kHIDElementTypeCollection = 1 << 4,
	kHIDElementTypeIO = kHIDElementTypeInput | kHIDElementTypeOutput | kHIDElementTypeFeature,
	kHIDElementTypeAll = kHIDElementTypeIO | kHIDElementTypeCollection
typedef enum HIDElementTypeMask HIDElementTypeMask;

// ==================================

#pragma mark - exported globals

extern IOHIDManagerRef gIOHIDManagerRef;
extern CFMutableArrayRef gDeviceCFArrayRef;
extern CFArrayRef gElementCFArrayRef;

// HIDBuildMultiDeviceList( inUsagePages, inUsages, inNumDeviceTypes )
// Purpose:	builds list of devices with elements (allocates memory and captures devices) in which
//			the devices could be of different types/usages list is allocated internally within HID
//			Utilites and can be accessed via accessor functions structures within list are considered
//			flat and user accessable, but not user modifiable can be called again to rebuild list to
//			account for new devices (will do the right thing in case of disposing existing list)
//			usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
//			returns true if succesful
// Inputs:	inUsagePages		- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage pages
//			inUsages			- inNumDeviceTypes sized array of matching usages
//			inNumDeviceTypes	- number of usage pages & usages
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
extern Boolean HIDBuildMultiDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// same as above but this uses a single usagePage and usage
extern Boolean HIDBuildDeviceList(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);

// updates the current device list for any new/removed devices
// if this is called before HIDBuildDeviceList the it functions like HIDBuildMultiDeviceList
// usagePage, usage are each a numDeviceTypes sized array of matching usage and usage pages
// returns true if successful which means if any device were added or removed (the device config changed)
extern Boolean HIDUpdateDeviceList(const UInt32 *inUsagePages, const UInt32 *inUsages, int inNumDeviceTypes);

// release list built by above function
// MUST be called prior to application exit to properly release devices
// if not called (or app crashes) devices can be recovered by pluging into different location in USB chain
extern void HIDReleaseDeviceList(void);

// HIDRebuildDevices(  )
// Purpose:	rebuilds the (internal) list of devices
// Inputs:	none
// Returns:	none

extern void HIDRebuildDevices(void);

// does a device list exist
extern unsigned char HIDHaveDeviceList(void);

// how many HID devices have been found
// returns 0 if no device list exist
extern UInt32 HIDCountDevices(void);

// how many elements does a specific device have
// returns 0 if device is invalid or NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern UInt32 HIDCountDeviceElements(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get the first device in the device list
// returns NULL if no list exists
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetFirstDevice(void);

// get next device in list given current device as parameter
// returns NULL if end of list
extern IOHIDDeviceRef HIDGetNextDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// get the first element of device passed in as parameter
// returns NULL if no list exists or device does not exists or is NULL
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetFirstDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetFirstDeviceElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get next element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// will walk down each collection then to next element or collection (depthwise traverse)
// returns NULL if end of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get previous HIDGetNextDeviceElement functionality
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetNextDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// get previous element of given device in list given current element as parameter
// this walks directly up the tree to the top element and does not search at each level
// returns NULL if beginning of list
// uses mask of HIDElementTypeMask to restrict element found
// use kHIDElementTypeIO to get non-collection elements
extern IOHIDElementRef HIDGetPreviousDeviceElement(IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, HIDElementTypeMask typeMask);

// returns C string type name given a type enumeration passed in as parameter( see IOHIDKeys.h )
// returns empty string for invalid types
extern void HIDGetTypeName(IOHIDElementType inIOHIDElementType, char *outCStrName);

// HIDCopyUsageName( inUsagePage, inUsage )
// Purpose:	return a CFStringRef string for a given usage page & usage( see IOUSBHIDParser.h )
// Notes:	returns usage page and usage values in CFString form for unknown values
// Inputs:	inUsagePage	- the usage page
//			inUsage		- the usage
// Returns:	CFStringRef	- the resultant string

extern CFStringRef HIDCopyUsageName(long inUsagePage, long inUsage);

// ==================================

// Element Event Queue and Value Interfaces

enum {
	kDefaultUserMin = 0,                    // default user min and max used for scaling
	kDefaultUserMax = 255

enum {
	kDeviceQueueSize = 50   // this is wired kernel memory so should be set to as small as possible
	// but should account for the maximum possible events in the queue
	// USB updates will likely occur at 100 Hz so one must account for this rate of
	// if states change quickly (updates are only posted on state changes)

// ==================================

// queues specific element, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// adds all elements to queue, performing any device queue set up required
extern int  HIDQueueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// removes element for queue, if last element in queue will release queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueElement(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef);

// completely removes all elements from queue and releases queue and device
extern int  HIDDequeueDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);

// releases all device queues for quit or rebuild (must be called)
extern int  HIDReleaseAllDeviceQueues(void);

// returns true if an event is avialable for the element and fills out *pHIDEvent structure, returns false otherwise
// pHIDEvent is a poiner to a IOHIDEventStruct, using void here for compatibility, users can cast a required
extern unsigned char HIDGetEvent(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDValueRef *pIOHIDValueRef);

// ==================================

// Conguration and Save Interfaces

enum {
	kPercentMove = 10 // precent of overall range a element must move to register

typedef struct HID_info_struct {
	int actionCookie;
	// device
	// need to add serial number when I have a test case
	struct {
		int vendorID, productID;
		int locID;
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
	} device;
	// elements
	struct {
		uint32_t usagePage, usage;
		int minReport, maxReport;
		IOHIDElementCookie cookie; // always 32 bits
	} element;
}HID_info_rec, *HID_info_ptr;

// get vendor name from vendor ID
extern Boolean HIDGetVendorNameFromVendorID(long inVendorID, char *outCStrName);

// get product name from vendor/product ID
extern Boolean HIDGetProductNameFromVendorProductID(long inVendorID, long inProductID, char *outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element cookie )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(int                inVendorID,
														int                inProductID,
														IOHIDElementCookie inCookie,
														char *             outCStrName);

// get element name from vendor id/product id look up ( using element usage page & usage )
extern Boolean HIDGetElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(long  inVendorID,
													   long  inProductID,
													   long  inUsagePage,
													   long  inUsage,
													   char *inCStrName);

// utility routines to dump device or element info
extern void HIDDumpDeviceInfo(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
extern void HIDDumpElementCalibrationInfo(IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

// polls single device's elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.  Times out after given time
// returns 1 and pointer to element if found
// returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
extern unsigned char HIDConfigureSingleDeviceAction(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,
													IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef,
													float            timeout);

// HIDConfigureAction( outDeviceRef, outElementRef, inTimeout )
// Purpose:	polls all devices and elements for a change greater than kPercentMove.
//			Times out after given time returns 1 and pointer to device and element
//			if found; returns 0 and NULL for both parameters if not found
// Inputs:	outDeviceRef	- address where to store the device
//			outElementRef	- address where to store the element
//			inTimeout		- the timeout
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if successful
//			outDeviceRef	- the device
//			outElementRef	- the element

extern Boolean HIDConfigureAction(IOHIDDeviceRef *outDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef, float inTimeout);

// HIDSaveElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, inDeviceRef, inElementRef )
// Purpose:	Save the device & element values into the specified key in the specified applications preferences
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			inDeviceRef			- the device
//			inElementRef			- the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful

extern Boolean HIDSaveElementPref(const CFStringRef inKeyCFStringRef,
								  CFStringRef       inAppCFStringRef,
								  IOHIDDeviceRef    inDeviceRef,
								  IOHIDElementRef   inElementRef);

// HIDRestoreElementPref( inKeyCFStringRef, inAppCFStringRef, outDeviceRef, outElementRef )
// Purpose:	Find the specified preference in the specified application
// Inputs:	inKeyCFStringRef	- the preference key
//			inAppCFStringRef	- the application identifier
//			outDeviceRef		- address where to restore the device
//			outElementRef		- address where to restore the element
// Returns:	Boolean				- if successful
//			outDeviceRef		- the device
//			outElementRef		- the element

extern Boolean HIDRestoreElementPref(CFStringRef      inKeyCFStringRef,
									 CFStringRef      inAppCFStringRef,
									 IOHIDDeviceRef * outDeviceRef,
									 IOHIDElementRef *outElementRef);

// HIDFindDeviceAndElement( inSearchInfo, outFoundDevice, outFoundElement )
// Purpose:	find the closest matching device and element for this action
// Notes:	matches device: serial, vendorID, productID, location, inUsagePage, usage
//			matches element: cookie, inUsagePage, usage,
// Inputs:	inSearchInfo	- the device & element info we searching for
//			outFoundDevice	- the address of the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the address of the best matching element
// Returns:	Boolean			- TRUE if we find a match
//			outFoundDevice	- the best matching device
//			outFoundElement	- the best matching element

extern Boolean HIDFindDeviceAndElement(const HID_info_rec *inSearchInfo,
									   IOHIDDeviceRef *  outFoundDevice,
									   IOHIDElementRef * outFoundElement);

// -- These are routines to use if the applcationwants HID Utilities to do the file handling --
// Note: the FILE * is a MachO posix FILE and will not likely work directly with MW MSL FILE * type.

// take input records, save required info
// assume file is open and at correct position.
void HIDSaveElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef, int actionCookie);

// takes a file, reads one record (assume file position is correct and file is open)
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDRestoreElementConfig(FILE *fileRef, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// -- These are routines to use if the client wants to use their own file handling --

// Set up a config record for saving
// takes an input records, returns record user can save as they want
// Note: the save rec must be pre-allocated by the calling app and will be filled out
void HIDSetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr     inHIDInfoPtr,
						 IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,
						 IOHIDElementRef inIOHidElementRef,
						 int             actionCookie);

// Get matching element from config record
// takes a pre-allocated and filled out config record
// search for matching device
// return tIOHIDDeviceRef, tIOHIDElementRef and cookie for action
int HIDGetElementConfig(HID_info_ptr inHIDInfoPtr, IOHIDDeviceRef *outIOHIDDeviceRef, IOHIDElementRef *outIOHIDElementRef);

// ==================================

// Error reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportError(const char *strError);

// Error with numeric code reporter, can be set to report however the application desires
extern void HIDReportErrorNum(const char *strError, int numError);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _HID_Utilities_External_h_

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