Sample Code

Windows Driver Samples/ AVStream simulated hardware sample driver (Avshws)/ C++/ device.h/


    AVStream Simulated Hardware Sample

    Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation.




        The header for the device level of the simulated hardware.  This is
        not actually the hardware simulation itself.  The hardware simulation
        is contained in hwsim.*, image.*.

        created 3/9/2001


class CCaptureDevice :
    public IHardwareSink {


    // The AVStream device we're associated with.
    PKSDEVICE m_Device;

    // Number of pins with resources acquired.  This is used as a locking
    // mechanism for resource acquisition on the device.
    LONG m_PinsWithResources;

    // Since we don't have physical hardware, this provides the hardware
    // simulation.  m_HardwareSimulation provides the fake ISR, fake DPC,
    // etc...  m_ImageSynth provides RGB24 and UYVY image synthesis and
    // overlay in software.
    CHardwareSimulation *m_HardwareSimulation;
    CImageSynthesizer *m_ImageSynth;

    // The number of ISR's that have occurred since capture started.
    ULONG m_InterruptTime;

    // The last reading of mappings completed.
    ULONG m_LastMappingsCompleted;

    // The Dma adapter object we acquired through IoGetDmaAdapter() during
    // Pnp start.  This must be initialized with AVStream in order to perform
    // Dma directly into the capture buffers.
    PADAPTER_OBJECT m_DmaAdapterObject;

    // The number of map registers returned from IoGetDmaAdapter().
    ULONG m_NumberOfMapRegisters;

    // The capture sink.  When we complete scatter / gather mappings, we
    // notify the capture sink.
    ICaptureSink *m_CaptureSink;

    // The video info header we're basing hardware settings on.  The pin
    // provides this to us when acquiring resources and must guarantee its
    // stability until resources are released.
    PKS_VIDEOINFOHEADER m_VideoInfoHeader;

    // Cleanup():
    // This is the free callback for the bagged capture device.  Not providing
    // one will call ExFreePool, which is not what we want for a constructed
    // C++ object.  This simply deletes the capture device.
    Cleanup (
        IN CCaptureDevice *CapDevice
        delete CapDevice;

    // PnpStart():
    // This is the Pnp start routine for our simulated hardware.  Note that
    // DispatchStart bridges to here in the context of the CCaptureDevice.
    PnpStart (
        IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST TranslatedResourceList,
        IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST UntranslatedResourceList

    // PnpStop():
    // This is the Pnp stop routine for our simulated hardware.  Note that
    // DispatchStop bridges to here in the context of the CCaptureDevice.
    PnpStop (


    // CCaptureDevice():
    // The capture device class constructor.  Since everything should have
    // been zero'ed by the new operator, don't bother setting anything to
    // zero or NULL.  Only initialize non-NULL, non-0 fields.
    CCaptureDevice (
        IN PKSDEVICE Device
        ) :
        m_Device (Device)

    // ~CCaptureDevice():
    // The capture device destructor.
    ~CCaptureDevice (

    // DispatchCreate():
    // This is the Add Device dispatch for the capture device.  It creates
    // the CCaptureDevice and associates it with the device via the bag.
    DispatchCreate (
        IN PKSDEVICE Device
    // DispatchPnpStart():
    // This is the Pnp Start dispatch for the capture device.  It simply
    // bridges to PnpStart() in the context of the CCaptureDevice.
    DispatchPnpStart (
        IN PKSDEVICE Device,
        IN PIRP Irp,
        IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST TranslatedResourceList,
        IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST UntranslatedResourceList
            (reinterpret_cast <CCaptureDevice *> (Device -> Context)) ->
            PnpStart (

    // DispatchPnpStop():
    // This is the Pnp stop dispatch for the capture device.  It simply
    // bridges to PnpStop() in the context of the CCaptureDevice.
    DispatchPnpStop (
        IN PKSDEVICE Device,
        IN PIRP Irp
            (reinterpret_cast <CCaptureDevice *> (Device -> Context)) ->
            PnpStop (

    // AcquireHardwareResources():
    // Called to acquire hardware resources for the device based on a given
    // video info header.  This will fail if another object has already
    // acquired hardware resources since we emulate a single capture
    // device.
    AcquireHardwareResources (
        IN ICaptureSink *CaptureSink,
        IN PKS_VIDEOINFOHEADER VideoInfoHeader

    // ReleaseHardwareResources():
    // Called to release hardware resources for the device.
    ReleaseHardwareResources (

    // Start():
    // Called to start the hardware simulation.  This causes us to simulate
    // interrupts, simulate filling buffers with synthesized data, etc...
    Start (

    // Pause():
    // Called to pause or unpause the hardware simulation.  This will be
    // indentical to a start or stop but it will not reset formats and 
    // counters.
    Pause (
        IN BOOLEAN Pausing

    // Stop():
    // Called to stop the hardware simulation.  This causes interrupts to
    // stop issuing.  When this call returns, the "fake" hardware has
    // stopped accessing all s/g buffers, etc...
    Stop (

    // ProgramScatterGatherMappings():
    // Called to program the hardware simulation's scatter / gather table.
    // This synchronizes with the "fake" ISR and hardware simulation via
    // a spinlock.
    ProgramScatterGatherMappings (
        IN PUCHAR *Buffer,
        IN PKSMAPPING Mappings,
        IN ULONG MappingsCount

    // QueryInterruptTime():
    // Determine the frame number that this frame corresponds to.  
    QueryInterruptTime (

    // IHardwareSink::Interrupt():
    // The interrupt service routine as called through the hardware sink
    // interface.  The "fake" hardware uses this method to inform the device
    // of a "fake" ISR.  The routine is called at dispatch level and must
    // be in locked code.
    Interrupt (

    LONG GetDroppedFrameCount(){return m_HardwareSimulation->GetSkippedFrameCount();};

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