Sample Code

Windows Driver Samples/ FM Synthesizer Driver Sample/ C++/ private.h/

 * private.h - FM synth miniport private definitions
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


#pragma warning (disable : 4100)

#include "portcls.h"
#include "stdunk.h"
#include "ksdebug.h"

#include "miniport.h"

enum {
    CHAN_MASTER = (-1),
    CHAN_LEFT = 0,
    CHAN_RIGHT = 1

 * Classes

 * CMiniportMidiFM
 * FM miniport.  This object is associated with the device and is
 * created when the device is started.  The class inherits IMiniportMidi
 * so it can expose this interface and CUnknown so it automatically gets
 * reference counting and aggregation support.
class CMiniportMidiFM
:   public IMiniportMidi,
    public IPowerNotify,
    public CUnknown
    PPORTMIDI       m_Port;                 // Callback interface.
    PUCHAR          m_PortBase;             // Base port address.
    BOOLEAN         m_BoardNotResponsive;   // Indicates dead hardware.
    BOOLEAN         m_bInit;                // true if we have already done init.
    BOOLEAN         m_fStreamExists;        // True if we have a stream.

    BYTE            m_SavedRegValues[0x200]; // Shadow copies of the FM registers.
    POWER_STATE     m_PowerState;            // Saved power state (D0 = full power, D3 = off)
    BOOLEAN         m_volNodeNeeded;         // Whether we need to furnish a volume node.
    KSPIN_LOCK      m_SpinLock;              // Protects writes to hardware.

     * CMiniportMidiFM methods
     * These are private member functions used internally by the object.  See
     * MINIPORT.CPP for specific descriptions.
        IN      PRESOURCELIST   ResourceList

    void SoundMidiSendFM(IN PUCHAR PortBase, _In_range_(0, 0x200 - 1) ULONG Address, IN UCHAR Data); // low-level--write registers

    BOOL SoundSynthPresent(IN PUCHAR base, IN PUCHAR inbase);   // detect if synth is present.
    BOOL SoundMidiIsOpl3(VOID);     // returns true if the device is an opl3 and false if not.
    VOID Opl3_BoardReset(VOID);
    VOID MiniportMidiFMResume(VOID);

     * The following two macros are from STDUNK.H.  DECLARE_STD_UNKNOWN()
     * defines inline IUnknown implementations that use CUnknown's aggregation
     * support.  NonDelegatingQueryInterface() is declared, but it cannot be
     * implemented generically.  Its definition appears in MINIPORT.CPP.
     * DEFINE_STD_CONSTRUCTOR() defines inline a constructor which accepts
     * only the outer unknown, which is used for aggregation.  The standard
     * create macro (in MINIPORT.CPP) uses this constructor.

//  expand constructor to take bool for whether to include volume
    CMiniportMidiFM(PUNKNOWN pUnknownOuter,int createVolNode)
    :   CUnknown(pUnknownOuter)
        m_PortBase = NULL;
        m_volNodeNeeded = (createVolNode != 0);


     * IMiniport methods
    (   _Out_     PPCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR *  OutFilterDescriptor
    (   _In_          ULONG           PinId
    ,   _In_          PKSDATARANGE    DataRange
    ,   _In_          PKSDATARANGE    MatchingDataRange
    ,   _In_          ULONG           OutputBufferLength
    ,   _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(OutputBufferLength, *ResultantFormatLength)
                      PVOID           ResultantFormat
    ,   _Out_         PULONG          ResultantFormatLength

     * IMiniportMidi methods
        _In_      PUNKNOWN        UnknownNotUsed  OPTIONAL,
        _In_      PRESOURCELIST   ResourceList,
        _In_      PPORTMIDI       Port,
        _Out_     PSERVICEGROUP * ServiceGroup
        _Out_     PMINIPORTMIDISTREAM *   Stream,
        _In_opt_  PUNKNOWN                OuterUnknown    OPTIONAL,
            __drv_reportError("Must succeed pool allocations are forbidden. "
                              "Allocation failures cause a system crash"))
        _In_      POOL_TYPE               PoolType,
        _In_      ULONG                   Pin,
        _In_      BOOLEAN                 Capture,
        _In_      PKSDATAFORMAT           DataFormat,
        _Out_     PSERVICEGROUP *         ServiceGroup
    STDMETHODIMP_(void) Service
    (   void

     * IPowerNotify methods
    STDMETHODIMP_(void) PowerChangeNotify(
        _In_  POWER_STATE     PowerState

     * Friends
    friend class CMiniportMidiStreamFM;


 * CMiniportMidiStreamFM
 * FM miniport stream.  This object is associated with a pin and is created
 * when the pin is instantiated.  The class inherits IMiniportMidiStream
 * so it can expose this interface and CUnknown so it automatically gets
 * reference counting and aggregation support.
class CMiniportMidiStreamFM
:   public IMiniportMidiStream,
    public CUnknown
    CMiniportMidiFM *   m_Miniport;     // Parent miniport.
    PUCHAR              m_PortBase;     // Base port address.

    // midi stuff
    voiceStruct m_Voice[NUM2VOICES];  /* info on what voice is where */
    DWORD m_dwCurTime;    /* for note on/off */
    /* volume */
    WORD    m_wSynthAttenL;        /* in 1.5dB steps */
    WORD    m_wSynthAttenR;        /* in 1.5dB steps */

    /* support for volume property */
    LONG    m_MinVolValue;      // Minimum value for volume controller
    LONG    m_MaxVolValue;      // Maximum value for volume controller
    ULONG   m_VolStepDelta;     // Correlation between controller and actual decibels
    LONG    m_SavedVolValue[2]; // Saved value for volume controller

    /* channel volumes */
    BYTE    m_bChanAtten[NUMCHANNELS];       /* attenuation of each channel, in .75 db steps */
    BYTE    m_bStereoMask[NUMCHANNELS];              /* mask for left/right for stereo midi files */

    short   m_iBend[NUMCHANNELS];    /* bend for each channel */
    BYTE    m_bPatch[NUMCHANNELS];   /* patch number mapped to */
    BYTE    m_bSustain[NUMCHANNELS];   /* Is sustain in effect on this channel? */

     * CMiniportMidiStreamFM methods
     * These are private member functions used internally by the object.  See
     * MINIPORT.CPP for specific descriptions.

    VOID WriteMidiData(DWORD dwData);
    // opl3 processing methods.
    VOID Opl3_ChannelVolume(BYTE bChannel, WORD wAtten);
    VOID Opl3_SetPan(BYTE bChannel, BYTE bPan);
    VOID Opl3_PitchBend(BYTE bChannel, short iBend);
    VOID Opl3_NoteOn(BYTE bPatch,BYTE bNote, BYTE bChannel, BYTE bVelocity,short iBend);
    VOID Opl3_NoteOff (BYTE bPatch,BYTE bNote, BYTE bChannel, BYTE bSustain);
    VOID Opl3_AllNotesOff(VOID);
    VOID Opl3_ChannelNotesOff(BYTE bChannel);
    WORD Opl3_FindFullSlot(BYTE bNote, BYTE bChannel);
    WORD Opl3_CalcFAndB (DWORD dwPitch);
    DWORD Opl3_CalcBend (DWORD dwOrig, short iBend);
    BYTE Opl3_CalcVolume (BYTE bOrigAtten, BYTE bChannel,BYTE bVelocity, BYTE bOper, BYTE bMode);
    BYTE Opl3_CalcStereoMask (BYTE bChannel);
    WORD Opl3_FindEmptySlot(BYTE bPatch);
    VOID Opl3_SetVolume(BYTE bChannel);
    VOID Opl3_FMNote(WORD wNote, noteStruct FAR * lpSN);
    VOID Opl3_SetSustain(BYTE bChannel, BYTE bSusLevel);

    void SetFMAtten(LONG channel, LONG level);
    LONG GetFMAtten(LONG channel)    {   return m_SavedVolValue[channel];    };

        IN      CMiniportMidiFM *   Miniport,
        IN      PUCHAR              PortBase

     * The following two macros are from STDUNK.H.  DECLARE_STD_UNKNOWN()
     * defines inline IUnknown implementations that use CUnknown's aggregation
     * support.  NonDelegatingQueryInterface() is declared, but it cannot be
     * implemented generically.  Its definition appears in MINIPORT.CPP.
     * DEFINE_STD_CONSTRUCTOR() defines inline a constructor which accepts
     * only the outer unknown, which is used for aggregation.  The standard
     * create macro (in MINIPORT.CPP) uses this constructor.


     * IMiniportMidiStream methods
        _In_      PKSDATAFORMAT   DataFormat
        IN      KSSTATE     State
        _In_      PVOID       BufferAddress,
        _In_      ULONG       BufferLength,
        _Out_     PULONG      BytesRead
        _In_      PVOID       BufferAddress,
        _In_      ULONG       BytesToWrite,
        _Out_     PULONG      BytesWritten

     * Friends
    NTSTATUS BasicSupportHandler
        IN  PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest

    NTSTATUS PropertyHandler_Level
        IN  PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest

    NTSTATUS PropertyHandler_CpuResources
        IN  PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest



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