Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Ctx File System Minifilter Driver/ C++/ operations.c/
/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: operations.c Abstract: This is the i/o operations module of the kernel mode filter driver implementing context sample Environment: Kernel mode --*/ #include "pch.h" // // Assign text sections for each routine. // #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CtxPreCreate) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CtxPostCreate) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CtxPreCleanup) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CtxPreClose) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CtxPreSetInfo) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CtxPostSetInfo) #endif FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS CtxPreCreate ( _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Cbd, _In_ PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, _Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( Cbd ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( FltObjects ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( CompletionContext ); PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCreate -> Enter (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCreate -> Exit (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // Force a post-op callback so we can add our contexts to the opened // objects // return FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_WITH_CALLBACK; } FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS CtxPostCreate ( _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Cbd, _In_ PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, _Inout_opt_ PVOID CbdContext, _In_ FLT_POST_OPERATION_FLAGS Flags ) { PCTX_FILE_CONTEXT fileContext = NULL; PCTX_STREAM_CONTEXT streamContext = NULL; PCTX_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT streamHandleContext = NULL; PFLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION nameInfo = NULL; UNICODE_STRING fileName; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN fileContextCreated, streamContextCreated, streamHandleContextReplaced; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( FltObjects ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( Flags ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( CbdContext ); PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Enter (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // Initialize defaults // status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // If the Create has failed, do nothing // if (!NT_SUCCESS( Cbd->IoStatus.Status )) { goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } // // Get the file name // status = FltGetFileNameInformation( Cbd, FLT_FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED | FLT_FILE_NAME_QUERY_DEFAULT, &nameInfo ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed to get name information (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } // // Find or create a stream context // status = CtxFindOrCreateStreamContext(Cbd, TRUE, &streamContext, &streamContextCreated); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because stream contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed to find or create stream context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Getting/Creating stream context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p. StreamContextCreated = %x)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, streamContextCreated) ); // // Acquire write acccess to the context // CtxAcquireResourceExclusive(streamContext->Resource); // // Increment the create count // streamContext->CreateCount++; // // Update the file name in the context // status = CtxUpdateNameInStreamContext( &nameInfo->Name, streamContext); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Stream context info for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Relinquish write acccess to the context // CtxReleaseResource(streamContext->Resource); // // Quit on failure after we have given up // the resource // if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed to update name in stream context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } // // Create or replace a stream handle context // status = CtxCreateOrReplaceStreamHandleContext(Cbd, TRUE, &streamHandleContext, &streamHandleContextReplaced); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because stream contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed to find or create stream handle context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Creating/Replacing stream handle context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p StreamHandleContext = %p, StreamHandleContextReplaced = %x)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamHandleContext, streamHandleContextReplaced) ); // // Acquire write acccess to the context // CtxAcquireResourceExclusive( streamHandleContext->Resource ); // // Update the file name in the context // status = CtxUpdateNameInStreamHandleContext( &nameInfo->Name, streamHandleContext); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Stream handle context info for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamHandleContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamHandleContext, &streamHandleContext->FileName) ); // // Relinquish write acccess to the context // CtxReleaseResource(streamHandleContext->Resource); // // Quit on failure after we have given up // the resource // if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed to update name in stream handle context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } // // After FltParseFileNameInformation, nameInfo->Name also // contains the stream name. We need only the filename and do // not want to include the stream name in the file context // fileName.Buffer = nameInfo->Name.Buffer; fileName.Length = nameInfo->Name.Length - nameInfo->Stream.Length; fileName.MaximumLength = fileName.Length; // // Find or create a file context // status = CtxFindOrCreateFileContext( Cbd, TRUE, &fileName, &fileContext, &fileContextCreated); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because file contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_FILE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed to find or create file context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostCreateCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_FILE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Getting/Creating file context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, FileContext = %p. FileContextCreated = %x)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, fileContext, fileContextCreated) ); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_FILE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> File context info for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, FileContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, fileContext, &fileContext->FileName) ); CtxPostCreateCleanup: // // Release the references we have acquired // if (nameInfo != NULL) { FltReleaseFileNameInformation( nameInfo ); } if (fileContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( fileContext ); } if (streamContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( streamContext ); } if (streamHandleContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( streamHandleContext ); } if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Failed with status 0x%x \n", status) ); // // It doesn't make sense to udate Cbd->IoStatus.Status on failure since the // file system has successfully completed the operation // } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostCreate -> Exit (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, Status = 0x%x)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, Cbd->IoStatus.Status) ); return FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING; } FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS CtxPreCleanup ( _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Cbd, _In_ PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, _Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext ) { PCTX_STREAM_CONTEXT streamContext = NULL; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN streamContextCreated; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( FltObjects ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( CompletionContext ); PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCleanup -> Enter (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // Get the stream context // status = CtxFindOrCreateStreamContext(Cbd, FALSE, // do not create if one does not exist &streamContext, &streamContextCreated); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because stream contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCleanup -> Failed to find stream context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPreCleanupCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCleanup -> Getting stream context for file (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p. StreamContextCreated = %x)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, streamContextCreated) ); // // Acquire write acccess to the context // CtxAcquireResourceExclusive(streamContext->Resource); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCleanup -> Old info in stream context for file(Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Update the cleanup count in the context // streamContext->CleanupCount++; DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCleanup -> New info in stream context for file (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Relinquish write acccess to the context // CtxReleaseResource(streamContext->Resource); CtxPreCleanupCleanup: // // Release the references we have acquired // if (streamContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( streamContext ); } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreCleanup -> Exit (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // It doesn't make sense to fail the cleanup - so ignore any errors we may // encounter and return success // return FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK; } FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS CtxPreClose ( _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Cbd, _In_ PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, _Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext ) { PCTX_STREAM_CONTEXT streamContext = NULL; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN streamContextCreated; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( FltObjects ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( CompletionContext ); PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreClose -> Enter (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // Get the stream context // status = CtxFindOrCreateStreamContext(Cbd, FALSE, // do not create if one does not exist &streamContext, &streamContextCreated); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because stream contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreClose -> Failed to find stream context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPreCloseCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreClose -> Getting stream context for file (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p. StreamContextCreated = %x)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, streamContextCreated) ); // // Acquire write acccess to the context // CtxAcquireResourceExclusive(streamContext->Resource); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreClose -> Old info in stream context for file(Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Update the close count in the context // streamContext->CloseCount++; DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreClose -> New info in stream context for file (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Relinquish write acccess to the context // CtxReleaseResource(streamContext->Resource); CtxPreCloseCleanup: // // Release the references we have acquired // if (streamContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( streamContext ); } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreClose -> Exit (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // It doesn't make sense to fail the cleanup - so ignore any errors we may // encounter and return success // return FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK; } FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS CtxPreSetInfo ( _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Cbd, _In_ PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, _Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext ) { FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS fileInformationClass; FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS callbackStatus; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( FltObjects ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( CompletionContext ); PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreSetInfo -> Enter (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); callbackStatus = FLT_PREOP_SUCCESS_NO_CALLBACK; // pass through - default is no post op callback fileInformationClass = Cbd->Iopb->Parameters.SetFileInformation.FileInformationClass; // // Ignore the ops we do not care about // if ((fileInformationClass != FileRenameInformation)) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreSetInfo -> Ignoring SetInfo operations other than FileRenameInformation (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPreSetInfoCleanup; } // // We want to process renames in the post-op callback // callbackStatus = FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE; CtxPreSetInfoCleanup: DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPreSetInfo -> Exit (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); return callbackStatus; } FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS CtxPostSetInfo ( _Inout_ PFLT_CALLBACK_DATA Cbd, _In_ PCFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, _Inout_opt_ PVOID CbdContext, _In_ FLT_POST_OPERATION_FLAGS Flags ) { PCTX_INSTANCE_CONTEXT instanceContext = NULL; PCTX_FILE_CONTEXT fileContext = NULL; PCTX_STREAM_CONTEXT streamContext = NULL; PCTX_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT streamHandleContext = NULL; PFLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION nameInfo = NULL; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN streamContextCreated, fileContextCreated, streamHandleContextReplaced; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( Flags ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( FltObjects ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( CbdContext ); // // The pre-operation callback will return FLT_PREOP_SYNCHRONIZE if it needs a // post operation callback. In this case, the Filter Manager will call the // minifilter's post-operation callback in the context of the pre-operation // thread, at IRQL <= APC_LEVEL. This allows the post-operation code to be // pagable and also allows it to access paged data // PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Enter (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); // // Initialize defaults // status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // If the SetInfo has failed, do nothing // if (!NT_SUCCESS( Cbd->IoStatus.Status )) { goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } // // Get the instance context for the target instance // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_INSTANCE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Trying to get instance context (TargetInstance = %p, Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd->Iopb->TargetInstance, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); status = FltGetInstanceContext( Cbd->Iopb->TargetInstance, &instanceContext ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_INSTANCE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS | DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to get instance context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_INSTANCE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Instance context info for volume %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, InstanceContext = %p) \n\tVolumeName = %wZ \n\tInstance = %p \n\tVolume = %p\n", &instanceContext->VolumeName, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, instanceContext, &instanceContext->VolumeName, &instanceContext->Instance, &instanceContext->Volume) ); // // Get the directory name // status = FltGetFileNameInformation( Cbd, FLT_FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED | FLT_FILE_NAME_QUERY_DEFAULT, &nameInfo ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to get file name information (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } // // Get the stream context // status = CtxFindOrCreateStreamContext(Cbd, FALSE, // do not create if one does not exist &streamContext, &streamContextCreated); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because stream contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to find stream context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Getting stream context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p. StreamContextCreated = %x)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, streamContextCreated) ); // // Acquire write acccess to the context // CtxAcquireResourceExclusive(streamContext->Resource); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Old info in stream context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Update the file name in the context // status = CtxUpdateNameInStreamContext( &nameInfo->Name, streamContext); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> New info in stream context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ \n\tCreateCount = %x \n\tCleanupCount = %x, \n\tCloseCount = %x\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamContext, &streamContext->FileName, streamContext->CreateCount, streamContext->CleanupCount, streamContext->CloseCount) ); // // Relinquish write acccess to the context // CtxReleaseResource(streamContext->Resource); // // Quit on failure after we have given up // the resource // if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAM_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to update name in stream context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } // // Create or replace a stream handle context // status = CtxCreateOrReplaceStreamHandleContext(Cbd, TRUE, &streamHandleContext, &streamHandleContextReplaced); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because stream contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to find or create stream handle context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Creating/Replacing stream handle context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p StreamHandleContext = %p, StreamHandleContextReplaced = %x)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamHandleContext, streamHandleContextReplaced) ); // // Acquire write acccess to the context // CtxAcquireResourceExclusive(streamHandleContext->Resource); // // Update the file name in the context // status = CtxUpdateNameInStreamHandleContext( &nameInfo->Name, streamHandleContext); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Stream handle context info for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, StreamHandleContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, streamHandleContext, &streamHandleContext->FileName) ); // // Relinquish write acccess to the context // CtxReleaseResource( streamHandleContext->Resource ); // // Quit on failure after we have given up // the resource // if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_STREAMHANDLE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to update name in stream handle context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } // // Get the file context // status = CtxFindOrCreateFileContext( Cbd, FALSE, // do not create if one does not exist NULL, &fileContext, &fileContextCreated); if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { // // This failure will most likely be because file contexts are not supported // on the object we are trying to assign a context to or the object is being // deleted // DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR | DEBUG_TRACE_FILE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed to find file context (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); goto CtxPostSetInfoCleanup; } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_FILE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Getting file context for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, FileContext = %p. FileContextCreated = %x)\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, fileContext, fileContextCreated) ); DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_FILE_CONTEXT_OPERATIONS, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> File context info for file %wZ (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p, FileContext = %p) \n\tName = %wZ\n", &nameInfo->Name, Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject, fileContext, &fileContext->FileName) ); CtxPostSetInfoCleanup: // // Release the references we have acquired // if (instanceContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( instanceContext ); } if (fileContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( fileContext ); } if (streamContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( streamContext ); } if (streamHandleContext != NULL) { FltReleaseContext( streamHandleContext ); } if (nameInfo != NULL) { FltReleaseFileNameInformation( nameInfo ); } if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ERROR, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Failed with status 0x%x \n", status) ); // // It doesn't make sense to udate Cbd->IoStatus.Status on failure since the // file system has suceesfully completed the operation // } DebugTrace( DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_IO, ("[Ctx]: CtxPostSetInfo -> Exit (Cbd = %p, FileObject = %p)\n", Cbd, FltObjects->FileObject) ); return FLT_POSTOP_FINISHED_PROCESSING; }
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