Design & Architecture
Measure twice. Cut once.
Great user experience comes from rock solid software, but achieving that goal is often difficult especially with code that is deeply tied into the rest of the system. Coding mistakes can sometime be “forgiven” in user-mode, but doing things wrong, even slightly, inside a device driver could easily bring down the entire system and is likely to cause data loss. Starting with a solid foundation could mean the difference between success and failure in the market. We have delivered numerous software products including solutions for WAN acceleration, web filtering, malware protection and VPNs that have been successfully deployed on tens of thousands of machines worldwide.
Developers thrive on turning technical ideas into a working implementation, but creating a product that scales well, is easily deployed, supported, and extended requires a well thought out design. If your product is not performing as well as you’d like and you want to start fresh with a solid base, we can bring vital experience to the process. Reliability, supportability, extensibility and performance will get top priority. With a solid foundation in place, implementation time, cost and risk are substantially reduced. We have done it before and are passionate about helping to bring great products to market. Get in touch and let’s discuss how to achieve the same with your product.
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