Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Bluetooth Echo L2CAP Profile Driver/ C++/ bthsrv/ inst/ main.cpp/
/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Module Name: Main.cpp Abstract: Utility for installing and uninstalling WdfBthSampleSrv echo bth server. bthsrvinst /i (installs bth service) bthsrvinst /u (uninstalls bth service) Environment: user mode only --*/ #include <windows.h> #include <bthsdpdef.h> #include <bthdef.h> #include <BlueToothApis.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include <initguid.h> #include "public.h" #define SWITCH_ARG_LEN 2 DWORD ReadSwitch( _In_ LPCSTR SwitchArg, _Out_ char * Switch ); BOOL AdjustProcessPrivileges( ); DWORD SetBthServiceInfo( BOOLEAN bEnabled ); void __cdecl main( _In_ UINT nArgs, _In_reads_(nArgs) LPCSTR Args[] ) { if (nArgs < 2) { goto usage; } char Switch; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ReadSwitch(Args[1], &Switch)) { goto exit; } if (FALSE == AdjustProcessPrivileges()) { goto exit; } switch(Switch) { case 'i': SetBthServiceInfo(TRUE); break; case 'u': SetBthServiceInfo(FALSE); break; default: goto usage; } exit: return; usage: printf("Usage: bthsrvinst [/i | /u]\n"); goto exit; } DWORD SetBthServiceInfo( BOOLEAN bEnabled ) { DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; BLUETOOTH_LOCAL_SERVICE_INFO SvcInfo = {0}; SvcInfo.Enabled = bEnabled; if (FAILED(StringCbCopyW(SvcInfo.szName, sizeof(SvcInfo.szName), BthEchoSampleSvcName))) { printf("Copying svc name failed\n"); goto exit; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (err = BluetoothSetLocalServiceInfo( NULL, //callee would select the first found radio &BTHECHOSAMPLE_SVC_GUID, 0, &SvcInfo ))) { printf("BluetoothSetLocalServiceInfo failed, err = %d\n", err); goto exit; } exit: return err; } DWORD ReadSwitch( _In_ LPCSTR SwitchArg, _Out_ char * Switch ) { DWORD retval = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (NULL == Switch) { printf("Switch should not be null"); goto exit; } *Switch = 0; size_t len = 0; if (FAILED(StringCchLength(SwitchArg, SWITCH_ARG_LEN+1, &len)) || len != SWITCH_ARG_LEN) { printf("Invalid arg %s, expected arg length:0x%x, actual length: 0%Ix\n", SwitchArg, SWITCH_ARG_LEN, len); goto exit; } if (SwitchArg[0] != L'/' && SwitchArg[0] != L'-') { printf("Invalid first character in arg %s\n", SwitchArg); goto exit; } retval = ERROR_SUCCESS; *Switch = SwitchArg[1]; exit: return retval; } BOOL AdjustProcessPrivileges( ) { HANDLE procToken; LUID luid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; BOOL bRetVal; DWORD err; bRetVal = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &procToken); if (!bRetVal) { err = GetLastError(); printf("OpenProcessToken failed, err = %d\n", err); goto exit; } bRetVal = LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME, &luid); if (!bRetVal) { err = GetLastError(); printf("LookupPrivilegeValue failed, err = %d\n", err); goto exit1; } tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; // // AdjustTokenPrivileges can succeed even when privileges are not adjusted. // In such case GetLastError returns ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED. // // Hence we check for GetLastError in both success and failure case. // (void) AdjustTokenPrivileges(procToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, (PDWORD)NULL); err = GetLastError(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bRetVal = FALSE; printf("AdjustTokenPrivileges failed, err = %d\n", err); goto exit1; } exit1: CloseHandle(procToken); exit: return bRetVal; }
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