Sample Code

Windows Driver Samples/ DirectMusic Software Synthesizer Sample/ C++/ clist.cpp/

//      Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//      clist.cpp

#define STR_MODULENAME "DDKSynth.sys:CList: "

#include "common.h"

#pragma code_seg()
 * CListItem::GetCount()
 * Returns number of items in the list.
LONG CListItem::GetCount(void) const
    LONG l;
    const CListItem *li;

    for(l=0,li=this; li!=NULL ; li=li->m_pNext,++l);
    return l;

 * CListItem::IsMember()
 * Returns whether the given list item is a member of the list.
BOOL CListItem::IsMember(CListItem *pItem)
    CListItem *li = this;
    for (;li != NULL; li=li->m_pNext)
        if (li == pItem) return (TRUE);
    return (FALSE);

 * CListItem::Cat()
 * Append the given list item to the list.
CListItem* CListItem::Cat(CListItem *pItem)
    CListItem *li;

        return pItem;
    for(li=this ; li->m_pNext!=NULL ; li=li->m_pNext);
    return this;

 * CListItem::Remove()
 * Remove the given list item from the list.
CListItem* CListItem::Remove(CListItem *pItem)
    CListItem *li,*prev;

        return m_pNext;
    for(li=this; li!=NULL && li!=pItem ; li=li->m_pNext)
    if(li==NULL)     // item not found in list
        return this;

//  here it is guaranteed that prev is non-NULL since we checked for
//  that condition at the very beginning

    ASSERT(prev != li->m_pNext); 
    __analysis_assume(prev != NULL);
    return this;

 * CListItem::GetPrev()
 * Get the list item that precedes the given list item (if any).
CListItem* CListItem::GetPrev(CListItem *pItem) const
    const CListItem *li,*prev;

    for(li=this ; li!=NULL && li!=pItem ; li=li->m_pNext)
    return (CListItem*)prev;

 * CListItem::GetItem()
 * Returns nth the list item, where n is the given list index.
CListItem * CListItem::GetItem(LONG index)
	CListItem *scan;
	for (scan = this; scan!=NULL && index; scan = scan->m_pNext) index--;
	return (scan);

 * CList::InsertBefore()
 * Inserts a given list item before a second list item (which is presumed to
 * be a list member).  Inserts the given list item at the head if there is
 * no preceding list item.
void CList::InsertBefore(CListItem *pItem,CListItem *pInsert)
	CListItem *prev = GetPrev(pItem);
	ASSERT(pInsert != pItem);
	if (prev)
        ASSERT(pInsert != prev);
        m_pHead = pInsert;

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