Sample Code

Windows Driver Samples/ DirectMusic Software Synthesizer Sample/ C++/ syslink.cpp/

// syslink.cpp
  Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

#include "common.h"
#include "private.h"

#define STR_MODULENAME "DDKSynth.sys:SysLink: "

 * CDmSynthStream-- ISynthSinkDMus implementation

#pragma code_seg(push, "PAGE")
 * CDmSynthStream::Render()
 * Render is called from the port driver, to fill the given buffer.  This is 
 * in turn forwarded to the synth (which -- roughly -- goes to the different 
 * voices, which goes to the DigitalAudios, which goes to the mix functions).
 * Typically, a synthesizer manages converting messages into
 * rendered wave data in two processes. First, it time stamps the MIDI 
 * messages it receives from the application via calls to 
 * PlayBuffer and places them in its own internal queue. 
 * Then, in response to Render, it generates audio by pulling MIDI 
 * messages from the queue and synthesizing the appropriate tones within
 * the time span of the requested render buffer.
 * As the synthesizer renders the MIDI messages into the buffer, it
 * calls RefTimeToSample to translate the MIDI time stamps into sample 
 * positions. This guarantees extremely accurate timing.
void CDmSynthStream::Render(
                            _In_  PBYTE       pBuffer,
                            _In_  DWORD       dwLength,
                            _In_  LONGLONG    llPosition)

    _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_BLAB, ("CDmSynthStream::Render"));

    m_pSynth->Mix((short*)pBuffer, dwLength, llPosition);

    m_llLastPosition = llPosition + dwLength;

 * CDmSynthStream::SyncToMaster()
 * Sync this stream to the master clock, using the given time, and
 * whether we are starting now.
CDmSynthStream::SyncToMaster(_In_ REFERENCE_TIME  rtTime,
                             _In_ BOOL            fStart)

    _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_BLAB, ("CDmSynthStream::SyncToMaster"));

    REFERENCE_TIME rtMasterTime;

    if (!fStart)
        m_SampleClock.SyncToMaster(rtTime, rtMasterTime);
        m_llStartPosition = ((rtTime / 1000) * m_PortParams.SampleRate) / 10000;

        m_SampleClock.Start(m_pMasterClock, m_PortParams.SampleRate, m_llStartPosition);

    return S_OK;
#pragma code_seg(pop)
 * CDmSynthStream::SampleToRefTime()
 * Translate between sample time and reference clock time.
CDmSynthStream::SampleToRefTime(_In_  LONGLONG         llSampleTime,
                                _Out_ REFERENCE_TIME * prtTime)
    _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_BLAB, ("CDmSynthStream::SampleToRefTime"));

    m_SampleClock.SampleToRefTime(llSampleTime + m_llStartPosition, prtTime);

    return S_OK;

 * CDmSynthStream::RefTimeToSample()
 * Translate between sample time and reference clock time.
CDmSynthStream::RefTimeToSample(_In_  REFERENCE_TIME  rtTime,
                                _Out_ LONGLONG *      pllSampleTime)
    _DbgPrintF(DEBUGLVL_BLAB, ("CDmSynthStream::RefTimeToSample"));

    *pllSampleTime = m_SampleClock.RefTimeToSample(rtTime) - m_llStartPosition;
    return S_OK;

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