Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Microsoft Virtual Audio Device Driver Sample/ C++/ multstr/ minwave.cpp/
/*++ Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved Module Name: minwave.cpp Abstract: Implementation of wavecyclic miniport. --*/ #pragma warning (disable : 4127) #include <msvad.h> #include <common.h> #include "multi.h" #include "minwave.h" #include "wavtable.h" #pragma code_seg("PAGE") //============================================================================= // CMiniportWaveCyclic //============================================================================= //============================================================================= NTSTATUS CreateMiniportWaveCyclicMSVAD ( OUT PUNKNOWN * Unknown, IN REFCLSID, IN PUNKNOWN UnknownOuter OPTIONAL, _When_((PoolType & NonPagedPoolMustSucceed) != 0, __drv_reportError("Must succeed pool allocations are forbidden. " "Allocation failures cause a system crash")) IN POOL_TYPE PoolType ) /*++ Routine Description: Create the wavecyclic miniport. Arguments: Unknown - RefClsId - UnknownOuter - PoolType - Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(Unknown); STD_CREATE_BODY_(CMiniportWaveCyclic, Unknown, UnknownOuter, PoolType,PMINIPORTWAVECYCLIC); } //============================================================================= CMiniportWaveCyclic::~CMiniportWaveCyclic ( void ) /*++ Routine Description: Destructor for wavecyclic miniport Arguments: Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); DPF_ENTER(("[CMiniportWaveCyclic::~CMiniportWaveCyclic]")); } // ~CMiniportWaveCyclic //============================================================================= STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclic::DataRangeIntersection ( _In_ ULONG PinId, _In_ PKSDATARANGE ClientDataRange, _In_ PKSDATARANGE MyDataRange, _In_ ULONG OutputBufferLength, _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(OutputBufferLength, *ResultantFormatLength) PVOID ResultantFormat, _Out_ PULONG ResultantFormatLength ) /*++ Routine Description: The DataRangeIntersection function determines the highest quality intersection of two data ranges. Arguments: PinId - Pin for which data intersection is being determined. ClientDataRange - Pointer to KSDATARANGE structure which contains the data range submitted by client in the data range intersection property request. MyDataRange - Pin's data range to be compared with client's data range. In this case we actually ignore our own data range, because we know that we only support one range. OutputBufferLength - Size of the buffer pointed to by the resultant format parameter. ResultantFormat - Pointer to value where the resultant format should be returned. ResultantFormatLength - Actual length of the resultant format placed in ResultantFormat. This should be less than or equal to OutputBufferLength. Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PinId); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ClientDataRange); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(MyDataRange); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(OutputBufferLength); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ResultantFormat); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ResultantFormatLength); PAGED_CODE(); // This driver only supports PCM formats. // Portcls will handle the request for us. // return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // DataRangeIntersection //============================================================================= STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclic::GetDescription ( _Out_ PPCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR * OutFilterDescriptor ) /*++ Routine Description: The GetDescription function gets a pointer to a filter description. It provides a location to deposit a pointer in miniport's description structure. This is the placeholder for the FromNode or ToNode fields in connections which describe connections to the filter's pins. Arguments: OutFilterDescriptor - Pointer to the filter description. Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(OutFilterDescriptor); return CMiniportWaveCyclicMSVAD::GetDescription(OutFilterDescriptor); } // GetDescription //============================================================================= STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclic::Init ( _In_ PUNKNOWN UnknownAdapter_, _In_ PRESOURCELIST ResourceList_, _In_ PPORTWAVECYCLIC Port_ ) /*++ Routine Description: The Init function initializes the miniport. Callers of this function should run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: UnknownAdapter - A pointer to the Iuknown interface of the adapter object. ResourceList - Pointer to the resource list to be supplied to the miniport during initialization. The port driver is free to examine the contents of the ResourceList. The port driver will not be modify the ResourceList contents. Port - Pointer to the topology port object that is linked with this miniport. Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(UnknownAdapter_); ASSERT(Port_); NTSTATUS ntStatus; DPF_ENTER(("[CMiniportWaveCyclic::Init]")); m_MaxOutputStreams = MAX_OUTPUT_STREAMS; m_MaxInputStreams = MAX_INPUT_STREAMS; m_MaxTotalStreams = MAX_TOTAL_STREAMS; m_MinChannels = MIN_CHANNELS; m_MaxChannelsPcm = MAX_CHANNELS_PCM; m_MinBitsPerSamplePcm = MIN_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_PCM; m_MaxBitsPerSamplePcm = MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_PCM; m_MinSampleRatePcm = MIN_SAMPLE_RATE; m_MaxSampleRatePcm = MAX_SAMPLE_RATE; ntStatus = CMiniportWaveCyclicMSVAD::Init ( UnknownAdapter_, ResourceList_, Port_ ); if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // Set filter descriptor. m_FilterDescriptor = &MiniportFilterDescriptor; m_fCaptureAllocated = FALSE; RtlZeroMemory ( m_pStream, MAX_INPUT_STREAMS * sizeof(PCMiniportWaveCyclicStream) ); } return ntStatus; } // Init //============================================================================= _Use_decl_annotations_ STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclic::NewStream ( PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM * OutStream, PUNKNOWN OuterUnknown, POOL_TYPE PoolType, ULONG Pin, BOOLEAN Capture, PKSDATAFORMAT DataFormat, PDMACHANNEL * OutDmaChannel, PSERVICEGROUP * OutServiceGroup ) /*++ Routine Description: The NewStream function creates a new instance of a logical stream associated with a specified physical channel. Callers of NewStream should run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL. Arguments: OutStream - OuterUnknown - PoolType - Pin - Capture - DataFormat - OutDmaChannel - OutServiceGroup - Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PoolType); PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(OutStream); ASSERT(DataFormat); ASSERT(OutDmaChannel); ASSERT(OutServiceGroup); DPF_ENTER(("[CMiniportWaveCyclic::NewStream]")); NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCMiniportWaveCyclicStream stream = NULL; ULONG streamIndex = 0; // MSVAD supports one capture stream. // if (Capture) { if (m_fCaptureAllocated) { DPF(D_TERSE, ("[Only one capture stream supported]")); ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } // This version supports multiple playback streams. // else { for (streamIndex = 0; streamIndex < m_MaxInputStreams; streamIndex++) { if (!m_pStream[streamIndex]) { break; } } if (streamIndex == m_MaxInputStreams) { DPF(D_TERSE, ("[All render streams are in use]")); ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } // Determine if the format is valid. // if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ntStatus = ValidateFormat(DataFormat); } // Instantiate a stream. Stream must be in // NonPagedPool because of file saving. // if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { stream = new (NonPagedPool, MSVAD_POOLTAG) CMiniportWaveCyclicStream(OuterUnknown); if (stream) { stream->AddRef(); ntStatus = stream->Init ( this, Pin, Capture, DataFormat ); } else { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { if (Capture) { m_fCaptureAllocated = TRUE; } else { m_pStream[streamIndex] = stream; } *OutStream = PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM(stream); (*OutStream)->AddRef(); *OutDmaChannel = PDMACHANNEL(stream); (*OutDmaChannel)->AddRef(); *OutServiceGroup = m_ServiceGroup; (*OutServiceGroup)->AddRef(); // The stream, the DMA channel, and the service group have // references now for the caller. The caller expects these // references to be there. } // This is our private reference to the stream. The caller has // its own, so we can release in any case. // if (stream) { stream->Release(); } return ntStatus; } // NewStream //============================================================================= STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclic::NonDelegatingQueryInterface ( _In_ REFIID Interface, _COM_Outptr_ PVOID * Object ) /*++ Routine Description: QueryInterface Arguments: Interface - GUID Object - interface pointer to be returned. Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(Object); if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IUnknown)) { *Object = PVOID(PUNKNOWN(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLIC(this))); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IMiniport)) { *Object = PVOID(PMINIPORT(this)); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IMiniportWaveCyclic)) { *Object = PVOID(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLIC(this)); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IPinCount)) { *Object = PVOID(PPINCOUNT(this)); } else { *Object = NULL; } if (*Object) { // We reference the interface for the caller. PUNKNOWN(*Object)->AddRef(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // NonDelegatingQueryInterface //============================================================================= STDMETHODIMP_(void) CMiniportWaveCyclic::PinCount ( _In_ ULONG PinId, _Inout_ PULONG FilterNecessary, _Inout_ PULONG FilterCurrent, _Inout_ PULONG FilterPossible, _Inout_ PULONG GlobalCurrent, _Inout_ PULONG GlobalPossible ) /*++ Routine Description: Provide a way for the miniport to modify the pin counts for this miniport. Arguments: PinId - KS pin number being referenced FilterNecessary - number of pins required on this pin factory FilterCurrent - number of pins opened on this pin factory FilterPossible - number of pins possible on this pin factory GlobalCurrent - total number of pins opened, across all pin instances on this filter GlobalPossible - total number of pins possible, across all pin factories on this filter Return Value: OUT parameters for the five pin counts. --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PinId); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FilterNecessary); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FilterCurrent); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(FilterPossible); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(GlobalCurrent); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(GlobalPossible); PAGED_CODE(); _DbgPrintF( DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, ("PinCount PID:0x%08x FN(0x%08p):%d FC(0x%08p):%d FP(0x%08p):%d GC(0x%08p):%d GP(0x%08p):%d", PinId, FilterNecessary,*FilterNecessary, FilterCurrent, *FilterCurrent, FilterPossible, *FilterPossible, GlobalCurrent, *GlobalCurrent, GlobalPossible, *GlobalPossible ) ); // // Something like the following: // // if (0 == PinId) // { // *FilterPossible += 1; // } } // PinCount //============================================================================= // CMiniportWaveStreamCyclicSimple //============================================================================= //============================================================================= CMiniportWaveCyclicStream::~CMiniportWaveCyclicStream ( void ) /*++ Routine Description: Destructor for wavecyclicstream Arguments: Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); DPF_ENTER(("[CMiniportWaveCyclicStream::~CMiniportWaveCyclicStream]")); if (NULL != m_pMiniportLocal) { // Tell the Miniport that the slot is freed now. // if (m_fCapture) { m_pMiniportLocal->m_fCaptureAllocated = FALSE; } else { for (ULONG i = 0; i < m_pMiniportLocal->m_MaxInputStreams; i++) { if (this == m_pMiniportLocal->m_pStream[i]) { m_pMiniportLocal->m_pStream[i] = NULL; break; } } } } } // ~CMiniportWaveCyclicStream //============================================================================= NTSTATUS CMiniportWaveCyclicStream::Init ( IN PCMiniportWaveCyclic Miniport_, IN ULONG Pin_, IN BOOLEAN Capture_, IN PKSDATAFORMAT DataFormat_ ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the stream object. Allocate a DMA buffer, timer and DPC Arguments: Miniport_ - Pin_ - Capture_ - DataFormat - DmaChannel_ - Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); m_pMiniportLocal = Miniport_; return CMiniportWaveCyclicStreamMSVAD::Init ( Miniport_, Pin_, Capture_, DataFormat_ ); } // Init //============================================================================= STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) CMiniportWaveCyclicStream::NonDelegatingQueryInterface ( _In_ REFIID Interface, _COM_Outptr_ PVOID * Object ) /*++ Routine Description: QueryInterface Arguments: Interface - GUID Object - interface pointer to be returned Return Value: NT status code. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(Object); if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IUnknown)) { *Object = PVOID(PUNKNOWN(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM(this))); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IMiniportWaveCyclicStream)) { *Object = PVOID(PMINIPORTWAVECYCLICSTREAM(this)); } else if (IsEqualGUIDAligned(Interface, IID_IDmaChannel)) { *Object = PVOID(PDMACHANNEL(this)); } else { *Object = NULL; } if (*Object) { PUNKNOWN(*Object)->AddRef(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // NonDelegatingQueryInterface #pragma code_seg()
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