Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ NDIS Virtual Miniport Driver/ C++/ mphal.c/
/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Module Name: MpHAL.C Abstract: This module implements the adapter's hardware. --*/ #include "netvmin6.h" #include "mphal.tmh" // // This registry value saves the permanent MAC address of a netvmini NIC. It is // only needed because there's no hardware that keeps track of the permanent // address across reboots. // // It is saved as a NdisParameterBinary configuration value (REG_BINARY) with // length NIC_MACADDR_LEN (6 bytes). // #define NETVMINI_MAC_ADDRESS_KEY L"NetvminiMacAddress" static NDIS_STATUS HWCopyBytesFromNetBuffer( _In_ PNET_BUFFER NetBuffer, _Inout_ PULONG cbDest, _Out_writes_bytes_to_(*cbDest, *cbDest) PVOID Dest); #pragma NDIS_PAGEABLE_FUNCTION(HWInitialize) #pragma NDIS_PAGEABLE_FUNCTION(HWReadPermanentMacAddress) NDIS_STATUS HWInitialize( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, _In_ PNDIS_MINIPORT_INIT_PARAMETERS InitParameters) /*++ Routine Description: Query assigned resources and initialize the adapter. Arguments: Adapter Pointer to our adapter InitParameters Parameters to MiniportInitializeEx Return Value: NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS NDIS_STATUS_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pResDesc; ULONG index; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Adapter); DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] ---> HWInitialize\n", Adapter); PAGED_CODE(); do { if (InitParameters->AllocatedResources) { for (index=0; index < InitParameters->AllocatedResources->Count; index++) { pResDesc = &InitParameters->AllocatedResources->PartialDescriptors[index]; switch (pResDesc->Type) { case CmResourceTypePort: DEBUGP(MP_INFO, "[%p] IoBaseAddress = 0x%x\n", Adapter, NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(pResDesc->u.Port.Start)); DEBUGP(MP_INFO, "[%p] IoRange = x%x\n", Adapter, pResDesc->u.Port.Length); break; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: DEBUGP(MP_INFO, "[%p] InterruptLevel = x%x\n", Adapter, pResDesc->u.Interrupt.Level); break; case CmResourceTypeMemory: DEBUGP(MP_INFO, "[%p] MemPhysAddress(Low) = 0x%0x\n", Adapter, NdisGetPhysicalAddressLow(pResDesc->u.Memory.Start)); DEBUGP(MP_INFO, "[%p] MemPhysAddress(High) = 0x%0x\n", Adapter, NdisGetPhysicalAddressHigh(pResDesc->u.Memory.Start)); break; } } } Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Map bus-relative IO range to system IO space using // NdisMRegisterIoPortRange // // // Map bus-relative registers to virtual system-space // using NdisMMapIoSpace // // // Disable interrupts here as soon as possible // // // Register the interrupt using NdisMRegisterInterruptEx // // // Initialize the hardware with mapped resources // // // Enable the interrupt // } while (FALSE); DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] <--- HWInitialize Status = 0x%x\n", Adapter, Status); return Status; } VOID HWReadPermanentMacAddress( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, _In_ NDIS_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle, _Out_writes_bytes_(NIC_MACADDR_SIZE) PUCHAR PermanentMacAddress) /*++ Routine Description: Loads the permanent MAC address that is burnt into the NIC. IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: Adapter Pointer to our adapter ConfigurationHandle NIC configuration from NdisOpenConfigurationEx PermanentMacAddress On return, receives the NIC's MAC address Return Value: None. --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; PNDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER Parameter = NULL; NDIS_STRING PermanentAddressKey = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(NETVMINI_MAC_ADDRESS_KEY); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Adapter); PAGED_CODE(); // // We want to figure out what the NIC's physical address is. // If we had a hardware NIC, we would query the physical address from it. // Instead, for the purposes of this sample, we'll read it from the // registry. This will help us keep the permanent address constant, even // if the adapter is disabled/enabled. // // Note that the registry value that saves our permanent MAC address isn't // the one that end-users can configure through the NIC management GUI, // nor is it expected that other miniports would need to use a parameter // like this. We only have it to work around the lack of physical hardware. // NdisReadConfiguration( &Status, &Parameter, ConfigurationHandle, &PermanentAddressKey, NdisParameterBinary); if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS && Parameter->ParameterType == NdisParameterBinary && Parameter->ParameterData.BinaryData.Length == NIC_MACADDR_SIZE) { // // There is a permanent address stashed in the special netvmini // parameter. // NIC_COPY_ADDRESS(PermanentMacAddress, Parameter->ParameterData.BinaryData.Buffer); } else { NDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER NewPhysicalAddress; LARGE_INTEGER TickCountValue; UCHAR CurrentMacIndex = 3; // // There is no (valid) address stashed in the netvmini parameter, so // this is probably the first time we've loaded this adapter before. // // Just for testing purposes, let us make up a dummy mac address. // In order to avoid conflicts with MAC addresses, it is usually a good // idea to check the IEEE OUI list (e.g. at // According to that // list 00-50-F2 is owned by Microsoft. // // An important rule to "generating" MAC addresses is to have the // "locally administered bit" set in the address, which is bit 0x02 for // LSB-type networks like Ethernet. Also make sure to never set the // multicast bit in any MAC address: bit 0x01 in LSB networks. // {C_ASSERT(NIC_MACADDR_SIZE > 3);} NdisZeroMemory(PermanentMacAddress, NIC_MACADDR_SIZE); PermanentMacAddress[0] = 0x02; PermanentMacAddress[1] = 0x50; PermanentMacAddress[2] = 0xF2; // // Generated value based on the current tick count value. // KeQueryTickCount(&TickCountValue); do { // // Pick up the value in groups of 8 bits to populate the rest of the MAC address. // PermanentMacAddress[CurrentMacIndex] = (UCHAR)(TickCountValue.LowPart>>((CurrentMacIndex-3)*8)); } while(++CurrentMacIndex < NIC_MACADDR_SIZE); // // Finally, we should make a best-effort attempt to save this address // to our configuration, so the NIC will always come up with this // permanent address. // NewPhysicalAddress.ParameterType = NdisParameterBinary; NewPhysicalAddress.ParameterData.BinaryData.Length = NIC_MACADDR_SIZE; NewPhysicalAddress.ParameterData.BinaryData.Buffer = PermanentMacAddress; NdisWriteConfiguration( &Status, ConfigurationHandle, &PermanentAddressKey, &NewPhysicalAddress); if (NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS != Status) { DEBUGP(MP_WARNING, "[%p] NdisWriteConfiguration failed to save the permanent MAC address", Adapter); // No other handling -- this isn't a fatal error } } } _IRQL_requires_same_ _Function_class_(ALLOCATE_FUNCTION) PVOID HWFrameAllocate ( _In_ POOL_TYPE PoolType, _In_ SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, _In_ ULONG Tag) /*++ Routine Description: This routine allocates memory for a FRAME. It is an ALLOCATE_FUNCTION, so its parameters and usage are the same as ExAllocatePoolWithTag. This allocator is meant to be used with the send NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST. While you do not normally need to provide your own allocator (and in fact there is a performance penalty for doing so), we use the allocator to initialize the FRAME's MDL. This saves us the effort of (re)initializing the same MDL every time we reuse the FRAME. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL Arguments: PoolType Must be NonPagedPool, or NonPagedPoolNx for Win8 and later NumberOfBytes Must be sizeof(FRAME) Tag The pool allocation tag Return Value: NULL if there are insufficient resources to allocate a FRAME. Else, a pointer to a newly-allocated FRAME. Free it with HWFrameFree. --*/ { PFRAME Frame = NULL; DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "---> HWFrameAllocate\n"); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PoolType); ASSERT(NumberOfBytes == sizeof(FRAME)); Frame = (PFRAME) NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority( NdisDriverHandle, (UINT)NumberOfBytes, Tag, NormalPoolPriority); if (!Frame) { DEBUGP(MP_ERROR, "NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority failed"); return NULL; } NdisZeroMemory(Frame, NumberOfBytes); Frame->Mdl = NdisAllocateMdl( NdisDriverHandle, (PVOID)&Frame->Data[0], sizeof(Frame->Data)); if (Frame->Mdl == NULL) { DEBUGP(MP_ERROR, "NdisAllocateMdl failed\n"); NdisFreeMemory(Frame, (UINT)NumberOfBytes, 0); return NULL; } DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "<--- HWFrameAllocate. Frame: %p\n", Frame); return Frame; } _Use_decl_annotations_ VOID HWFrameFree ( PVOID Memory) /*++ Routine Description: This routine frees memory for a FRAME. It is a FREE_FUNCTION, the reciprocal of HWFrameAllocate. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL Arguments: Memory A buffer allocated with HWFrameAllocate Return Value: None. --*/ { PFRAME Frame = (PFRAME) Memory; DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "---> HWFrameFree. Frame: %p\n", Frame); ASSERT(Frame && Frame->Mdl); NdisFreeMdl(Frame->Mdl); NdisFreeMemory(Frame, sizeof(FRAME), 0); DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "<--- HWFrameFree\n"); } VOID HWFrameReference( _In_ PFRAME Frame) /*++ Routine Description: This routine increments the reference count of a FRAME. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL Arguments: Frame Frame to reference Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "---> HWFrameReference. Frame: %p\n", Frame); NdisInterlockedIncrement(&Frame->Ref); DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "<--- HWFrameReference. Frame: %p\n", Frame); } VOID HWFrameRelease( _In_ PFRAME Frame) /*++ Routine Description: This routine decrements the reference count of a FRAME. If the last refernce was released, the FRAME is freed back to the unused pool. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL Arguments: Frame Frame to release Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "---> HWFrameRelease. Frame: %p\n", Frame); if (0 == NdisInterlockedDecrement(&Frame->Ref)) { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "---> Freeing Frame: %p\n", Frame); NdisFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&GlobalData.FrameDataLookaside, Frame); Frame = NULL; } DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "<--- HWFrameRelease. Frame: %p\n", Frame); } NDIS_STATUS HWCopyBytesFromNetBuffer( _In_ PNET_BUFFER NetBuffer, _Inout_ PULONG cbDest, _Out_writes_bytes_to_(*cbDest, *cbDest) PVOID Dest) /*++ Routine Description: Copies the first cbDest bytes from a NET_BUFFER. In order to show how the various data structures fit together, this implementation copies the data by iterating through the MDLs for the NET_BUFFER. The NdisGetDataBuffer API also allows you to copy a contiguous block of data from a NET_BUFFER. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL. Arguments: NetBuffer The NB to read cbDest On input, the number of bytes in the buffer Dest On return, the number of bytes actually copied Dest On return, receives the first cbDest bytes of the network frame in NetBuffer Return Value: None. Notes: If the output buffer is larger than the NB's frame size, *cbDest will contain the number of bytes in the frame size. If the output buffer is smaller than the NB's frame size, only the first *cbDest bytes will be copied (the buffer will receive a truncated copy of the frame). --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Start copy from current MDL // PMDL CurrentMdl = NET_BUFFER_CURRENT_MDL(NetBuffer); // // Data on current MDL may be offset from start of MDL // ULONG DestOffset = 0; while (DestOffset < *cbDest && CurrentMdl) { // // Map MDL memory to System Address Space. LowPagePriority means mapping may fail if // system is low on memory resources. // PUCHAR SrcMemory = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(CurrentMdl, LowPagePriority); ULONG Length = MmGetMdlByteCount(CurrentMdl); if (!SrcMemory) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; } if(DestOffset==0) { // // The first MDL segment should be accessed from the current MDL offset // ULONG MdlOffset = NET_BUFFER_CURRENT_MDL_OFFSET(NetBuffer); SrcMemory += MdlOffset; Length -= MdlOffset; } Length = min(Length, *cbDest-DestOffset); // // Copy Memory // NdisMoveMemory((PUCHAR)Dest+DestOffset, SrcMemory, Length); DestOffset += Length; // // Get next MDL (if any available) // CurrentMdl = NDIS_MDL_LINKAGE(CurrentMdl); } if(Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *cbDest = DestOffset; } return Status; } NDIS_STATUS HWGetDestinationAddress( _In_ PNET_BUFFER NetBuffer, _Out_writes_bytes_(NIC_MACADDR_SIZE) PUCHAR DestAddress) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the destination address of a NET_BUFFER that is to be sent. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL. Arguments: NetBuffer The NB containing the frame that is being sent DestAddress On return, receives the frame's destination Return Value: NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE The frame is too short NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS Else --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; NIC_FRAME_HEADER Header; ULONG cbHeader = sizeof(Header); Status = HWCopyBytesFromNetBuffer(NetBuffer, &cbHeader, &Header); if(Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (cbHeader < sizeof(Header)) { NdisZeroMemory(DestAddress, NIC_MACADDR_SIZE); Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } else { GET_DESTINATION_OF_FRAME(DestAddress, &Header); } } else { NdisZeroMemory(DestAddress, NIC_MACADDR_SIZE); } return Status; } BOOLEAN HWIsFrameAcceptedByPacketFilter( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, _In_reads_bytes_(NIC_MACADDR_SIZE) PUCHAR DestAddress, _In_ ULONG FrameType) /*++ Routine Description: This routines checks to see whether the packet can be accepted for transmission based on the currently programmed filter type of the NIC and the mac address of the packet. With real adapter, this routine would be implemented in hardware. However, since we don't have any hardware to do the matching for us, we'll do it in the driver. Arguments: Adapter Our adapter that is receiving a frame FrameData The raw frame, starting at the frame header cbFrameData Number of bytes in the FrameData buffer Return Value: TRUE if the frame is accepted by the packet filter, and should be indicated up to the higher levels of the stack. FALSE if the frame doesn't match the filter, and should just be dropped. --*/ { BOOLEAN result = FALSE; DEBUGP(MP_LOUD, "[%p] ---> HWIsFrameAcceptedByPacketFilter PacketFilter = 0x%08x, FrameType = 0x%08x\n", Adapter, Adapter->PacketFilter, FrameType); do { // // If the NIC is in promiscuous mode, we will accept anything // and everything. // if (Adapter->PacketFilter & NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_PROMISCUOUS) { result = TRUE; break; } switch (FrameType) { case NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_BROADCAST: if (Adapter->PacketFilter & NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_BROADCAST) { // // If it's a broadcast packet and broadcast is enabled, // we can accept that. // result = TRUE; } break; case NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_MULTICAST: // // If it's a multicast packet and multicast is enabled, // we can accept that. // if (Adapter->PacketFilter & NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_ALL_MULTICAST) { result = TRUE; break; } else if (Adapter->PacketFilter & NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_MULTICAST) { ULONG index; // // Check to see if the multicast address is in our list // ASSERT(Adapter->ulMCListSize <= NIC_MAX_MCAST_LIST); for (index=0; index < Adapter->ulMCListSize && index < NIC_MAX_MCAST_LIST; index++) { if (NIC_ADDR_EQUAL(DestAddress, Adapter->MCList[index])) { result = TRUE; break; } } } break; case NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_DIRECTED: if (Adapter->PacketFilter & NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_DIRECTED) { // // This has to be a directed packet. If so, does packet dest // address match with the mac address of the NIC. // if (NIC_ADDR_EQUAL(DestAddress, Adapter->CurrentAddress)) { result = TRUE; break; } } break; } } while(FALSE); DEBUGP(MP_LOUD, "[%p] <--- HWIsFrameAcceptedByPacketFilter Result = %u\n", Adapter, result); return result; } NDIS_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE HWGetMediaConnectStatus( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will query the hardware and return the media status. Arguments: Adapter Our Adapter Return Value: NdisMediaStateDisconnected or NdisMediaStateConnected --*/ { if (MP_TEST_FLAG(Adapter, fMP_DISCONNECTED)) { return MediaConnectStateDisconnected; } else { return MediaConnectStateConnected; } } VOID HWProgramDmaForSend( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, _In_ PTCB Tcb, _In_ PNET_BUFFER NetBuffer, _In_ BOOLEAN fAtDispatch) /*++ Routine Description: Program the hardware to read the data payload from the NET_BUFFER's MDL and queue it for transmission. When the hardware has finished reading the MDL, it will fire an interrupt to indicate that it no longer needs the MDL anymore. Our hardware, of course, doesn't have any DMA, so it just copies the data to a FRAME structure and transmits that. Runs at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL Arguments: Adapter Our adapter that will send a frame Tcb The TCB that tracks the transmit status NetBuffer Contains the data to send fAtDispatch TRUE if the current IRQL is DISPATCH_LEVEL Return Value: None. --*/ { PFRAME Frame; NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO Nbl1QInfo = {0}; PNET_BUFFER_LIST Nbl = NULL; NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] ---> HWProgramDmaForSend. NB: 0x%p\n", Adapter, NetBuffer); do { // // Program the hardware to begin reading the data from NetBuffer's MDL and // queue it for transmission. // Tcb->NetBuffer = NetBuffer; Tcb->BytesActuallySent = 0; Frame = (PFRAME)NdisAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&GlobalData.FrameDataLookaside); if (!Frame) { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] ---> No frames available for send.\n", Adapter); // // Oops, we couldn't get any more FRAMEs to send. // // When the SendComplete fires, we'll tell the driver that zero bytes // were sent successfully. It will update the bookkeeping and inform // the protocol that the NBL wasn't completely sent. // break; } DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] Send Frame: 0x%p\n", Adapter, Frame); ASSERT(NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(NetBuffer) <= NIC_BUFFER_SIZE); Frame->Ref = 1; // // Copy the data from the NB to the FRAME's data region. This step roughly // corresponds to a hardware DMA. // Frame->ulSize = min(NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(NetBuffer), NIC_BUFFER_SIZE); Status = HWCopyBytesFromNetBuffer(NetBuffer, &Frame->ulSize, Frame->Data); if(Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] ---> Failed to copy frame buffer. Result = %u\n", Adapter, Status); break; } if (Frame->ulSize < HW_MIN_FRAME_SIZE) { // Don't leak the contents of kernel memory! Zero out padding bytes. ULONG cbPaddingNeeded = HW_MIN_FRAME_SIZE - Frame->ulSize; NdisZeroMemory(Frame->Data + Frame->ulSize, cbPaddingNeeded); Frame->ulSize += cbPaddingNeeded; } ASSERT(Frame->ulSize >= HW_MIN_FRAME_SIZE && Frame->ulSize <= NIC_BUFFER_SIZE); // // For simplicity in the sample in order to support VLAN we extract the information from the NBL or frame and pass the // NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO structure to the code that simulates the send/receive. The code does nothing to convert // modify the frame format. // In real HW, on send the code should extract the information from the NBL and covert it to 802.1Q format for transmission, and // on receive the adapter should detect if the packet is in 802.1Q format and if so convert it back to 802.3 before indicating it up to NDIS // (populating the 8021Q info in the NBL being indicated). // Nbl = NBL_FROM_SEND_NB(NetBuffer); Nbl1QInfo.Value = NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(Nbl, Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo); if(Nbl1QInfo.Value) { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] Send NBL (%p) OOB Vlan ID: %i\n", Adapter, Nbl, Nbl1QInfo.TagHeader.VlanId); } else { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] Send NBL (%p) has no OOB VLAN tag, checking frame header.\n", Adapter, Nbl); if(IS_FRAME_8021Q(Frame)) { // // The frame has type of 802.1Q. Retrieve the VLAN information // COPY_TAG_INFO_FROM_HEADER_TO_PACKET_INFO(Nbl1QInfo, GET_FRAME_VLAN_TAG_HEADER(Frame)); DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] Send NBL (%p) frame Vlan ID: %i\n", Adapter, Nbl, Nbl1QInfo.TagHeader.VlanId); } else { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] Send NBL (%p) has no VLAN information in its frame header.\n", Adapter, Nbl); } } RXDeliverFrameToEveryAdapter(Adapter, &Nbl1QInfo, Frame, fAtDispatch); Tcb->BytesActuallySent = Frame->ulSize; } while(FALSE); if(Frame) { HWFrameRelease(Frame); } DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] <--- HWProgramDmaForSend\n", Adapter); } _IRQL_requires_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) ULONG HWGetBytesSent( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, _In_ PTCB Tcb) /*++ Routine Description: When the adapter indicates it has completed the send operation, call this routine to determine how many bytes were successfully sent (if any). Arguments: Adapter Our adapter that will send a frame Tcb The TCB that tracks the transmit status Return Value: 0 There was an error sending this frame >0 Number of bytes actually sent --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Adapter); return Tcb->BytesActuallySent; } NDIS_STATUS HWBeginReceiveDma( _In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter, _In_ PNDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_8021Q_INFO Nbl1QInfo, _In_ PRCB Rcb, _In_ PFRAME Frame) /*++ Routine Description: Simulate the hardware deciding to receive a FRAME into one of its RCBs. In VMQ enabled scenarios, it will find the matching queue and if matched retrieve the shared memory for the queue for the NBL. Otherwise, it uses the existing Frame for the NBL. Arguments: Adapter Pointer to our adapter Nbl1QInfo 8021Q Tag information for the FRAME being received Rcb The RCB that tracks this receive operation Frame The FRAME that to receive Return Value: NDIS_STATUS --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; PNET_BUFFER NetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(Rcb->Nbl); do { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] ---> HWBeginReceiveDma. Frame: 0x%p\n", Adapter, Frame); // // Preserve 802.1Q information, if specified. // if(Nbl1QInfo->Value) { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] Preserved VLAN Id=%i\n", Adapter, Nbl1QInfo->TagHeader.VlanId); NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(Rcb->Nbl, Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo) = Nbl1QInfo->Value; } else { DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] No VLAN tag to preserve.\n", Adapter); NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO(Rcb->Nbl, Ieee8021QNetBufferListInfo) = 0; } // // If VMQ is enabled, and we're not using the default queue, // we need to copy the FRAME to the NBL's shared memory area // if(VMQ_ENABLED(Adapter)) { BOOLEAN Copied; Status = CopyFrameToRxQueueRcb(Adapter, Frame, Nbl1QInfo, Rcb, &Copied); if(Copied || Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } } else { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Adapter); } // // Either 6.20 is not supported, VMQ is disabled, or matched default queue, so use existing frame memory for indication // HWFrameReference(Frame); Rcb->Data = Frame; NET_BUFFER_FIRST_MDL(NetBuffer) = Frame->Mdl; NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(NetBuffer) = Frame->ulSize; NET_BUFFER_DATA_OFFSET(NetBuffer) = 0; NET_BUFFER_CURRENT_MDL(NetBuffer) = NET_BUFFER_FIRST_MDL(NetBuffer); NET_BUFFER_CURRENT_MDL_OFFSET(NetBuffer) = 0; } while(FALSE); DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, "[%p] <--- HWBeginReceiveDma Status 0x%08x\n", Adapter, Status); return Status; }
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