Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Power Framework (PoFx) Sample (UMDF Version 2)/ C++/ App/ UserInput.cpp/
#include "include.h" // // The supported settings with their default values. // CONFIGURATION g_UserSettings[] = { {COMPONENT ,0}, {MAX_OUTSTANDING_IO ,1}, {DELAY ,0}, {CANCEL ,0} }; DWORD ProcessUserInput( _In_ int argc, _In_reads_(argc) PWSTR argv[] ) { DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; for (int i=1; i < argc; i++) { PWSTR arg = argv[i]; // // Setting must begin with / or - // if (arg[0] != L'-' && arg[0] != L'/') { printf("\n Invalid command-line argument %ws. \n", arg); err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto clean0; } if (L'?' == arg[1]) { err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto clean0; } // // Setting must contain ':' as the seperator. // PWSTR settingName = arg + 1; PWSTR settingValue = NULL; PWSTR seperator = wcschr(settingName, L':'); if (seperator == NULL) { printf("\n Invalid command-line argument %ws. \n", arg); err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto clean0; } settingValue = seperator + 1; *seperator = L'\0'; // // Store the value of the setting in the appropriate location. // err = ProcessSwitch(settingName, settingValue); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto clean0; } } clean0: if (ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { PrintUsage(argv); } return err; } PCONFIGURATION LookupSwitch( _In_ PWSTR Param) { for (UINT i=0; i < COUNT_OF(g_UserSettings); i++) { if (_wcsicmp(Param, g_UserSettings[i].Option) == 0) { return &g_UserSettings[i]; } } return NULL; } ULONG GetSetting( _In_ PWSTR Switch) { return LookupSwitch(Switch)->Value; } DWORD ProcessSwitch( _In_ PWSTR Param, _In_ PWSTR Value) { PCONFIGURATION config; config = LookupSwitch(Param); if (NULL == config) { printf("\n '%ws' is not a valid switch", Param); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (0 == _wcsicmp(Param, COMPONENT)) { if (0 == _wcsicmp(Value, L"*")) { config->Value = RANDOM_COMPONENT; } else { config->Value = _wtoi(Value); if (config->Value >= COMPONENT_COUNT) { printf("Invalid component count '%ws' specified. " "Component count must be less than %d. \n", Value, COMPONENT_COUNT); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } else if (0 == _wcsicmp(Param, CANCEL)) { if (0 == _wcsicmp(Value, L"yes")) { config->Value = TRUE; } else if (0 == _wcsicmp(Value, L"no")) { config->Value = FALSE; } else { printf("'%ws' is not a valid option for '%ws'. Must be 'yes' or 'no'. \n", Value, Param); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { // // For MaxOutstandingIo or Delay this is sufficient. // config->Value = _wtoi(Value); if (0 == config->Value) { printf("'%ws' is not a valid option for '%ws'", Value, Param); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } void PrintUsage( _In_ PWSTR argv[] ) { printf("\n This application can be used to send IO requests to a specified component"); printf("\n of the WDF Power Fx sample driver. The requests will be sent indefinitely "); printf("\n until a request fails or the user terminates the execution with ^C"); printf("\n More details on the driver and application are in the associated help file."); printf("\n "); printf("\n Usage:"); printf("\n %ws [/<SettingName>:<SettingValue> ...]", argv[0]); printf("\n "); printf("\n Available settings are:"); printf("\n "); printf("\n /Component:<Number>"); printf("\n Where <Number> can be a specific component number, or if you are running with"); printf("\n the multi-component sample driver you can specify '*'(without quotes) and "); printf("\n each request will be sent to a random component between 0 and "); printf("\n (COMPONENT_COUNT-1). Default value is component 0."); printf("\n "); printf("\n /Delay:<DelayInMilliSeconds>"); printf("\n There is an approximate delay between 0 and <DelayInMilliSeconds> ms"); printf("\n between each request. Default value is 0 (no delay)."); printf("\n "); printf("\n /MaxOutstandingIO:<NumberOfRequests>"); printf("\n The maximum number of I/O requests that can be outstanding at any point."); printf("\n Default value is 1 (equivalent to synchronously sending requests)."); printf("\n "); printf("\n /Cancel:<YesNo>"); printf("\n Can be 'yes' or 'no' (without quotes)."); printf("\n When set to 'yes' the application will attempt to cancel the requests once "); printf("\n sent. Default value is 'no'."); printf("\n "); return; }
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