Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Print Pipeline Simple Filter/ C++/ XpsFilter.cxx/
//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft // Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other // materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples. // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Abstract: // WDK print filter sample. // This is the C file for the stream filter sample. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "precomp.hxx" #include "main.hxx" #include "XpsFilter.tmh" #include "XpsFilter.hxx" _Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_code_type_user_driver_) // // 8267d291-6ddd-4972-a94e-3ce88149a1fa - generate a guid, do not use this one in your code // const GUID ClsidXpsFilter = {0x8267d291, 0x6ddd, 0x4972, {0xa9, 0x4e, 0x3c, 0xe8, 0x81, 0x49, 0xa1, 0xfa}}; const GUID& XpsFilter:: FilterClsid( void ) { return ClsidXpsFilter; } #define COUNTOF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x)) HRESULT GetLastErrorAsHResult( void ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } HRESULT ProcessTicket( _In_ IPartPrintTicket *pIPrintTicket ) { Tools::SmartBSTR bstr; HRESULT hRes = pIPrintTicket->GetUri(&bstr); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { Tools::SmartPtr<IPrintReadStream> pIStream; hRes = pIPrintTicket->GetStream(&pIStream); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { ULONG cbRead = 0; BOOL bEof = FALSE; DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessTicket print ticket follows."); do { BYTE buf[200] = {0}; // // Save one byte to ensure null termination // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIStream->ReadBytes(buf, COUNTOF(buf) - 1, &cbRead, &bEof)) && cbRead) { // // use PT data // DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "%s", reinterpret_cast<PCSTR>(buf)); } } while (!bEof && cbRead && SUCCEEDED(hRes)); } } return hRes; } HRESULT AddFontToPage( _In_ IPartFont *pNewFont, _In_ IPrintWriteStream *pFontStream, _In_ IFixedPage *pNewPage ) { WCHAR szFont[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes = S_OK; if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szFont, MAX_PATH)) { hRes = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = StringCchCat(szFont, MAX_PATH, L"\\fonts\\verdana.TTF"); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szFont, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BYTE buf[400]; ULONG cbBuf = 400; ULONG cbRead, cbWritten; do { if (ReadFile(hFile, buf, cbBuf, &cbRead, NULL)) { hRes = pFontStream->WriteBytes(buf, cbRead, &cbWritten); } else { hRes = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } } while (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && cbRead); CloseHandle(hFile); } else { hRes = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } pFontStream->Close(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = pNewPage->SetPagePart(pNewFont); } return hRes; } HRESULT AddTextToPage( _In_ PCWSTR pszReferencedFont, _In_ IPrintWriteStream *pPageMarkupStream ) { HRESULT hRes; ULONG cb; CHAR buf[500]; // // Mark up for page generated on the fly: "hello world" // CHAR sz[] = "<FixedPage Width=\"816\" Height=\"1056\" xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">" "<Glyphs Fill=\"#ff000000\" FontUri=\"%ws\" FontRenderingEmSize=\"15\" StyleSimulations=\"None\" OriginX=\"172\"" " OriginY=\"129.68\" Indices=\"75;72;79;79;82;3;90;82;85;79;71\" UnicodeString=\"hello world\" />" "</FixedPage>"; // // Insert the URI of the font we added to the document // hRes = StringCchPrintfA(buf, COUNTOF(buf), sz, pszReferencedFont); // // Write markup for page // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pPageMarkupStream->WriteBytes(buf, static_cast<ULONG>(strlen(buf)), &cb))) { pPageMarkupStream->Close(); } return hRes; } // // This function reads the page content and writes it back. Can be extended // to do useful work // HRESULT ModifyContent( _In_ IPrintReadStream *pRead, _In_ IPrintWriteStream *pWrite ) { CHAR buf[100] = {0}; HRESULT hRes; ULONG cbr, cbw; BOOL bEof = FALSE; do { hRes = pRead->ReadBytes(buf, sizeof(buf), &cbr, &bEof); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && cbr) { // // do something with buffer // cbw = cbr; hRes = pWrite->WriteBytes(buf, cbr, &cbw); } } while (!bEof && cbr && SUCCEEDED(hRes)); return hRes; } HRESULT XpsFilter:: ProcessImagePart( _In_ IPartImage *pIPartImage ) { Tools::SmartBSTR bstr; HRESULT hRes = pIPartImage->GetUri(&bstr); DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessImagePart uri %ws", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { Tools::SmartPtr<IPrintReadStream> pRead; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIPartImage->GetStream(&pRead))) { // // do something with image // } } return hRes; } // // Non-static members // XpsFilter:: XpsFilter() : m_bShutdown(false), m_cRef(1), m_cIdCount(0) { } HRESULT XpsFilter:: ProcessFixedPage( _In_ void *pVoid ) { Tools::SmartPtr<IFixedPage> pIFixedPage; // // XpsFilter::ProcessPart already incremented the reference count for the object. This // function is taking ownership of the object, there is no need for another AddRef call // (hence the Attach) // pIFixedPage.Attach(static_cast<IFixedPage *>(pVoid)); HRESULT hRes; Tools::SmartBSTR bstr; if (SUCCEEDED(pIFixedPage->GetUri(&bstr))) { DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessFixedPage uri %ws", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); } Tools::SmartPtr<IPartPrintTicket> pIPrintTicket; hRes = pIFixedPage->GetPrintTicket(&pIPrintTicket); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = ProcessTicket(pIPrintTicket); } else if (hRes == E_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND) { // // No ticket. Benign. // hRes = S_OK; DoTraceMessage(WS_WARNING, "ProcessFixedPage uri %ws. Page print ticket not present.", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); } pIFixedPage->SetPartCompression(Compression_Small); // // modify content for page, optional // Tools::SmartPtr<IPrintReadStream> pRead; Tools::SmartPtr<IPrintWriteStream> pWrite; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIFixedPage->GetStream(&pRead)) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIFixedPage->GetWriteStream(&pWrite))) { hRes = ModifyContent(pRead, pWrite); pWrite->Close(); } // // Send page to next filter // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = m_pReachConsumer->SendFixedPage(pIFixedPage); } // // Add a new page // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { Tools::SmartPtr<IFixedPage> pNewPage; Tools::SmartPtr<IPrintWriteStream> pNewPageMarkupStream; Tools::SmartPtr<IPartFont> pNewFont; Tools::SmartPtr<IPrintWriteStream> pNewFontStream; WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; // // Generate unique page name // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = StringCchPrintf(szName, MAX_PATH, L"/pages/newaddedpage%u.xaml", m_cIdCount++))) { // // Create new fixed page // hRes = m_pReachConsumer->GetNewEmptyPart(szName, IID_IFixedPage, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pNewPage), &pNewPageMarkupStream); DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessFixedPage new page %ws", szName); } // // Generate unique font name, this can, of course, be optimized so we don't include // the same font multiple times. But this code is supposed to just to show how to // add a font // if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = StringCchPrintf(szName, MAX_PATH, L"/font_%u.ttf", m_cIdCount++))) { // // Create new font resource // hRes = m_pReachConsumer->GetNewEmptyPart(szName, IID_IPartFont, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pNewFont), &pNewFontStream); DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessFixedPage new font %ws", szName); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = AddFontToPage(pNewFont, pNewFontStream, pNewPage)) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = AddTextToPage(szName, pNewPageMarkupStream))) { // // Send page to next filter // hRes = m_pReachConsumer->SendFixedPage(pNewPage); } } return hRes; } struct Pair_t { typedef HRESULT (XpsFilter::*PFN)(void *); Pair_t(REFIID d, PFN n) : iid(d), pfn(n) {} REFIID iid; PFN pfn; private: Pair_t& operator=(const Pair_t&); }; HRESULT XpsFilter:: ProcessPart( _In_ IUnknown *pUnk ) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; Pair_t pairs[] = { Pair_t(IID_IXpsDocument, &XpsFilter::ProcessXpsDoc), Pair_t(IID_IFixedDocumentSequence, &XpsFilter::ProcessFixedDocSequence), Pair_t(IID_IFixedDocument, &XpsFilter::ProcessFixedDoc), Pair_t(IID_IFixedPage, &XpsFilter::ProcessFixedPage), }; // // Detect what part we got // for (ULONG i = 0; i < sizeof(pairs)/sizeof(*pairs); i++) { void *pvoid = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = pUnk->QueryInterface(pairs[i].iid, &pvoid))) { // // QueryInterface increments the reference count for the object it returns // hRes = (this->*pairs[i].pfn)(pvoid); break; } else if (hRes != E_NOINTERFACE) { break; } } // // IPartDiscardControl objects may float through the pipeline. The code above does not check for IPartDiscardControl. // So, for maximum compatibility, the filter forwards parts that it doesn't understand. // if (hRes == E_NOINTERFACE) { hRes = m_pReachConsumer->SendXpsUnknown(pUnk); } return hRes; } HRESULT XpsFilter:: ProcessXpsDoc( _In_ void *pVoid ) { Tools::SmartPtr<IXpsDocument> pIXpsDoc; pIXpsDoc.Attach(static_cast<IXpsDocument *>(pVoid)); DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, L"ProcessXpsDoc"); return m_pReachConsumer->SendXpsDocument(pIXpsDoc); } HRESULT XpsFilter:: ProcessFixedDocSequence( _In_ void *pVoid ) { Tools::SmartPtr<IFixedDocumentSequence> pIFixedDocumentSequence; // // XpsFilter::ProcessPart already incremented the reference count for the object. This // function is taking ownership of the object, there is no need for another AddRef call // (hence the Attach) // pIFixedDocumentSequence.Attach(static_cast<IFixedDocumentSequence *>(pVoid)); Tools::SmartBSTR bstr; if (SUCCEEDED(pIFixedDocumentSequence->GetUri(&bstr))) { DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessFixedDocSequence uri %ws", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); } Tools::SmartPtr<IPartPrintTicket> pIPrintTicket; HRESULT hRes = pIFixedDocumentSequence->GetPrintTicket(&pIPrintTicket); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = ProcessTicket(pIPrintTicket); } else if (hRes == E_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND) { // // No ticket. Benign. // hRes = S_OK; DoTraceMessage(WS_WARNING, "ProcessFixedDocSequence uri %ws. Page print ticket not present.", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); } return m_pReachConsumer->SendFixedDocumentSequence(pIFixedDocumentSequence); } HRESULT XpsFilter:: ProcessFixedDoc( _In_ void *pVoid ) { Tools::SmartPtr<IFixedDocument> pIFixedDocument; // // XpsFilter::ProcessPart already incremented the reference count for the object. This // function is taking ownership of the object, there is not need for another AddRef call // (hence the Attach) // pIFixedDocument.Attach(static_cast<IFixedDocument *>(pVoid)); Tools::SmartBSTR bstr; if (SUCCEEDED(pIFixedDocument->GetUri(&bstr))) { DoTraceMessage(WS_TRACE, "ProcessFixedDoc uri %ws", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); } Tools::SmartPtr<IPartPrintTicket> pIPrintTicket; HRESULT hRes = pIFixedDocument->GetPrintTicket(&pIPrintTicket); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = ProcessTicket(pIPrintTicket); } else if (hRes == E_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND) { // // No ticket. Benign. // hRes = S_OK; DoTraceMessage(WS_WARNING, "ProcessFixedDoc uri %ws. Page print ticket not present.", static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstr)); } return m_pReachConsumer->SendFixedDocument(pIFixedDocument); } // // IPrintPipelineFilter // __override STDMETHODIMP XpsFilter:: ShutdownOperation( void ) { m_bShutdown = true; return S_OK; } __override STDMETHODIMP XpsFilter:: InitializeFilter( _In_ IInterFilterCommunicator *pIfc, _In_ IPrintPipelinePropertyBag *pIPropertyBag, _In_ IPrintPipelineManagerControl *pIPipelineControl ) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; // // IID_IReachPackageProvider must be specified in the config file // hRes = pIfc->RequestReader(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_pReachProvider)); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { // // IID_IReachPackageConsumer must be specified in the config file // hRes = pIfc->RequestWriter(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_pReachConsumer)); m_pIPipelineControl = pIPipelineControl; } VARIANT var, var2, var3, var4; VariantInit(&var); VariantInit(&var2); VariantInit(&var3); VariantInit(&var4); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIPropertyBag->GetProperty(XPS_FP_PRINTER_NAME, &var)) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIPropertyBag->GetProperty(XPS_FP_PRINTER_HANDLE, &var2)) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIPropertyBag->GetProperty(XPS_FP_JOB_ID, &var3)) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIPropertyBag->GetProperty(XPS_FP_USER_TOKEN, &var4))) { PWSTR pszName = var.bstrVal; HANDLE hPrinter = var2.byref; ULONG jobId = var3.ulVal; HANDLE hUserSecurityToken = var4.byref; // // Filter can use devmode, hPrinter and pszName. byref value should not be freed/deleted // in any way. bstrVal must be deleted by clearing the variant. // // // Do not free any byref resource. Ex: do not call CloseHandle on the security token // // // Remove these if you use the variables. This is in order to build clean with /W4 // UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(jobId); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPrinter); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pszName); // // Sample code to show how to impersonate in order to access resources on behalf of the // user who submitted the job // if (SetThreadToken(NULL, hUserSecurityToken)) { // // now revert back to the original security context // if (!SetThreadToken(NULL, NULL)) { hRes = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } } else { hRes = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } } VariantClear(&var); VariantClear(&var2); VariantClear(&var3); VariantClear(&var4); // // Example of how to add and delete a property from the bag // var.vt = VT_I4; var.lVal = 5; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && SUCCEEDED(hRes = pIPropertyBag->AddProperty(L"TestProperty", &var))) { hRes = pIPropertyBag->DeleteProperty(L"TestProperty") ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } return hRes; } __override STDMETHODIMP XpsFilter:: StartOperation( void ) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; while (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && !m_bShutdown) { Tools::SmartPtr<IUnknown> pUnk; hRes = m_pReachProvider->GetXpsPart(&pUnk); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { if (!pUnk) { // // End of objects // break; } hRes = ProcessPart(pUnk); } } m_pReachConsumer->CloseSender(); if (FAILED(hRes)) { #pragma prefast(suppress:__WARNING_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE_1, "MSDN requires that pReason be NULL.") m_pIPipelineControl->RequestShutdown(hRes, NULL); } m_pIPipelineControl->FilterFinished(); return hRes; } // // IUnknown // STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) XpsFilter:: AddRef( VOID ) { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) XpsFilter:: Release( VOID ) { ULONG cRefCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (cRefCount) { return cRefCount; } delete this; return 0; } STDMETHODIMP XpsFilter:: QueryInterface( _In_ REFIID riid, _Out_ VOID **ppv ) { HRESULT hRes = E_POINTER; if (ppv) { hRes = E_NOINTERFACE; *ppv = NULL; if (riid == IID_IPrintPipelineFilter) { *ppv = static_cast<IPrintPipelineFilter *>(this); } else if (riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown *>(this); } if (*ppv) { AddRef(); hRes = S_OK; } } return hRes; }
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