Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Print Queue Active Server Page Sample/ C++/ customq.asp/
<% Option Explicit Session("PrintSupportEmail") = "Helpdesk" Session("PrintSupportPhone") = "555-1717" %> <% Response.Expires = 0 Const SelectedColor = "#c0c0c0" Const UnselectedColor = "#ffffff" Dim strPrinter, strComputer, objQueue, objJobs, objJob, bDHTML ' Display contact information for users Response.write "<strong>Need support? E-mail <em><a href=""mailto:" & session("PrintSupportEmail") & """>" & session("PrintSupportEmail") & "</a></em> or call <em>" & session("PrintSupportPhone") & "</em></strong>" & vbCrLf if session("IPrintDebug")<>"" then DumpIPrintVars end if dim OleCvt Const PROGID_CONVERTER = "OlePrn.OleCvt" Set OleCvt = Server.CreateObject (PROGID_CONVERTER) strPrinter = Request.QueryString("eprinter") strPrinter = OleCvt.DecodeUnicodeName (strPrinter) strComputer = Session("MS_Computer") bDHTML = Session("MS_DHTMLEnabled") On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set objQueue = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/" & strPrinter & ",PrintQueue") If Err Then ErrorHandler ("Open Queue") Set objJobs = objQueue.PrintJobs If Err Then ErrorHandler ("Get Jobs") Function strJobStatus(iStatus) Dim L_JobStatus(11) Dim bit, i Dim strTemp, bFirst Const L_Seperator = " - " L_JobStatus(0) = "Paused" L_JobStatus(1) = "Error" L_JobStatus(2) = "Deleting" L_JobStatus(3) = "Spooling" L_JobStatus(4) = "Printing" L_JobStatus(5) = "Offline" L_JobStatus(6) = "Out of Paper" L_JobStatus(7) = "Printed" L_JobStatus(8) = "Deleted" L_JobStatus(9) = "Blocked" L_JobStatus(10) = "User Intervention Required" L_JobStatus(11) = "Restarting" bit = 1 i = 0 bFirst = True strTemp = "" For i = 0 To 11 If iStatus And bit Then If Not bFirst Then strTemp = strTemp + L_Seperator End If strTemp = strTemp + L_JobStatus(i) bFirst = False End If bit = bit * 2 Next If strTemp = "" Then strTemp = " " strJobStatus = strTemp End Function %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"><html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="30; URL=Page1.ASP?eprinter=<%=OleCvt.EncodeUnicodeName(strPrinter)%>"> <title>Custom Queue</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000"> <% 'Set contact names session("PrintSupportEmail")="printsupport" session("PrintSupportPhone")="555-1717" %> <br> <!-- The following line is for the compatibility with IE3--> <p><br></p> <form> <%if bDHTML then %> <div ONCLICK="colorSelector()"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var oldTr = 0; function colorSelector() { var jlist = document.all.JOBLIST.rows; if (!jlist[0].contains (event.srcElement)) { if (oldTr != null) { oldTr.bgColor = "<%=UnselectedColor%>"; } for (i = 1; i < jlist.length; i++) { if (jlist[i].contains (event.srcElement)) { oldTr = jlist[i]; oldTr.bgColor = "<%=SelectedColor%>"; document.forms[0].elements[].checked = true; } } } } </script> <% end if%> <% Const L_TableHeader1 = "<td width=""30%"" bgcolor=""#000000"" nowrap><font color=""#FFFFFF""><strong>Document</strong></font></td>" Const L_TableHeader2 = "<td width=""10%"" bgcolor=""#000000"" nowrap><font color=""#FFFFFF""><strong>Status</strong></font></td>" Const L_TableHeader3 = "<td width=""10%"" bgcolor=""#000000"" nowrap><font color=""#FFFFFF""><strong>Owner</strong></font></td>" Const L_TableHeader4 = "<td width=""10%"" bgcolor=""#000000"" nowrap><font color=""#FFFFFF""><strong>Pages</strong></font></td>" Const L_TableHeader5 = "<td width=""10%"" bgcolor=""#000000"" nowrap><font color=""#FFFFFF""><strong>Size</strong></font></td>" Const L_TableHeader6 = "<td width=""20%"" bgcolor=""#000000"" nowrap><font color=""#FFFFFF""><strong>Submitted</strong></font></td>" %> <table id="JOBLIST" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <%= L_TableHeader1 & L_TableHeader2 & L_TableHeader3 & L_TableHeader4 & L_TableHeader5 & L_TableHeader6%> </tr> <% dim i i = 1 for each objJob in objJobs %> <tr bgcolor="<%=UnselectedColor%>" id="<%=i-1%>"> <td width="30%" nowrap> <input type="radio" name="jobid" value="<%>"> <% = objjob.Description %> </td> <td width="10%"><% =strJobStatus(objJob.status) %></td> <td width="10%" nowrap><% = objJob.user %></td> <td width="10%" nowrap> <% if objJob.totalpages > 0 then %> <%= objJob.totalpages %> <% end if %> </td> <td width="10%" nowrap> <% if objJob.size > 0 then%> <%=strFormatJobSize (objJob.size)%> <% end if %> </td> <td width="20%" nowrap><% = formatdatetime(objJob.timesubmitted, 3) & " " & formatdatetime(objJob.timesubmitted, 2)%></td> </tr> <% i = i + 1 next %> </table> </form> <%if bDHTML then%> </div> <% end if %> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> window.onerror=windowError; function windowError () { return true; } </script> </body> </html>
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