Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Usbsamp Generic USB Driver/ C++/ sys/ private.h/
/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Module Name: private.h Abstract: Contains structure definitions and function prototypes private to the driver. Environment: Kernel mode --*/ #pragma warning(disable:4200) // #pragma warning(disable:4201) // nameless struct/union #pragma warning(disable:4214) // bit field types other than int #include <initguid.h> #include <ntddk.h> #include <ntintsafe.h> #include "usbdi.h" #include "usbdlib.h" #pragma warning(default:4200) #pragma warning(default:4201) #pragma warning(default:4214) #include <wdf.h> #include <wdfusb.h> #include "public.h" #ifndef _H #define _H #define POOL_TAG (ULONG) 'SBSU' #define MAX_SUPPORTED_PACKETS_FOR_SUPER_SPEED 1024 #define MAX_SUPPORTED_PACKETS_FOR_HIGH_SPEED 1024 #define MAX_SUPPORTED_PACKETS_FOR_FULL_SPEED 255 #define DISPATCH_LATENCY_IN_MS 10 #undef ExAllocatePool #define ExAllocatePool(type, size) \ ExAllocatePoolWithTag(type, size, POOL_TAG); #if DBG #define UsbSamp_DbgPrint(level, _x_) \ if((level) <= DebugLevel) { \ DbgPrint("UsbSamp: "); DbgPrint _x_; \ } #else #define UsbSamp_DbgPrint(level, _x_) #endif #define MAX_FULL_SPEED_TRANSFER_SIZE 64 #define MAX_HIGH_SPEED_TRANSFER_SIZE 512 #define MAX_SUPER_SPEED_TRANSFER_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_STREAM_VALID_PACKET_SIZE 1024 #define REMOTE_WAKEUP_MASK 0x20 #define DEFAULT_REGISTRY_TRANSFER_SIZE 65536 #define IDLE_CAPS_TYPE IdleUsbSelectiveSuspend // // A structure representing the instance information associated with // this particular device. // typedef struct _DEVICE_CONTEXT { USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR UsbDeviceDescriptor; PUSB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR UsbConfigurationDescriptor; WDFUSBDEVICE WdfUsbTargetDevice; ULONG WaitWakeEnable; BOOLEAN IsDeviceHighSpeed; BOOLEAN IsDeviceSuperSpeed; WDFUSBINTERFACE UsbInterface; UCHAR SelectedAlternateSetting; UCHAR NumberConfiguredPipes; ULONG MaximumTransferSize; WDFQUEUE IsochReadQueue; WDFQUEUE IsochWriteQueue; BOOLEAN IsStaticStreamsSupported; USHORT NumberOfStreamsSupportedByController; USBD_HANDLE UsbdHandle; } DEVICE_CONTEXT, *PDEVICE_CONTEXT; WDF_DECLARE_CONTEXT_TYPE_WITH_NAME(DEVICE_CONTEXT, GetDeviceContext) // // This context is associated with every open handle. // typedef struct _FILE_CONTEXT { WDFUSBPIPE Pipe; } FILE_CONTEXT, *PFILE_CONTEXT; WDF_DECLARE_CONTEXT_TYPE_WITH_NAME(FILE_CONTEXT, GetFileContext) #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN8) typedef struct _USBSAMP_STREAM_INFO { // Number of enabled streams on this pipe ULONG NumberOfStreams; // Array of stream information structures representing streams on this pipe PUSBD_STREAM_INFORMATION StreamList; } USBSAMP_STREAM_INFO, *PUSBSAMP_STREAM_INFO; #endif // // This context is associated with every pipe handle. In this sample, // it used for isoch transfers. // typedef struct _PIPE_CONTEXT { ULONG NextFrameNumber; ULONG TransferSizePerMicroframe; ULONG TransferSizePerFrame; BOOLEAN StreamConfigured; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN8) USBSAMP_STREAM_INFO StreamInfo; #endif } PIPE_CONTEXT, *PPIPE_CONTEXT; WDF_DECLARE_CONTEXT_TYPE_WITH_NAME(PIPE_CONTEXT, GetPipeContext) // // This context is associated with every request recevied by the driver // from the app. // typedef struct _REQUEST_CONTEXT { WDFMEMORY UrbMemory; PMDL Mdl; ULONG Length; // remaining to xfer ULONG Numxfer; ULONG_PTR VirtualAddress; // va for next segment of xfer. BOOLEAN Read; // TRUE if Read } REQUEST_CONTEXT, * PREQUEST_CONTEXT; WDF_DECLARE_CONTEXT_TYPE_WITH_NAME(REQUEST_CONTEXT, GetRequestContext) typedef struct _WORKITEM_CONTEXT { WDFDEVICE Device; WDFUSBPIPE Pipe; } WORKITEM_CONTEXT, *PWORKITEM_CONTEXT; WDF_DECLARE_CONTEXT_TYPE_WITH_NAME(WORKITEM_CONTEXT, GetWorkItemContext) extern ULONG DebugLevel; DRIVER_INITIALIZE DriverEntry; EVT_WDF_DRIVER_DEVICE_ADD UsbSamp_EvtDeviceAdd; EVT_WDF_DEVICE_PREPARE_HARDWARE UsbSamp_EvtDevicePrepareHardware; EVT_WDF_OBJECT_CONTEXT_CLEANUP UsbSamp_EvtDeviceContextCleanup; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN8) EVT_WDF_OBJECT_CONTEXT_CLEANUP UsbSamp_EvtPipeContextCleanup; #endif EVT_WDF_DEVICE_FILE_CREATE UsbSamp_EvtDeviceFileCreate; EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_READ UsbSamp_EvtIoRead; EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_WRITE UsbSamp_EvtIoWrite; EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_DEVICE_CONTROL UsbSamp_EvtIoDeviceControl; EVT_WDF_REQUEST_COMPLETION_ROUTINE UsbSamp_EvtReadWriteCompletion; EVT_WDF_REQUEST_COMPLETION_ROUTINE UsbSamp_EvtIsoRequestCompletionRoutine; EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_STOP UsbSamp_EvtIoStop; EVT_WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE UsbSamp_EvtIoQueueReadyNotification; EVT_WDF_WORKITEM UsbSamp_EvtReadWriteWorkItem; WDFUSBPIPE GetPipeFromName( _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING FileName ); VOID ReadWriteIsochEndPoints( _In_ WDFQUEUE Queue, _In_ WDFREQUEST Request, _In_ ULONG Length, _In_ WDF_REQUEST_TYPE RequestType ); VOID ReadWriteBulkEndPoints( _In_ WDFQUEUE Queue, _In_ WDFREQUEST Request, _In_ ULONG Length, _In_ WDF_REQUEST_TYPE RequestType ); NTSTATUS ResetPipe( _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); NTSTATUS ResetDevice( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); NTSTATUS ReadAndSelectDescriptors( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); NTSTATUS ConfigureDevice( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); NTSTATUS SelectInterfaces( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); NTSTATUS SetPowerPolicy( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); NTSTATUS AbortPipes( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); NTSTATUS QueuePassiveLevelCallback( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device, _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); VOID PerformIsochTransfer( _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, _In_ WDFREQUEST Request, _In_ ULONG TotalLength ); VOID DbgPrintRWContext( PREQUEST_CONTEXT rwContext ); NTSTATUS ReadFdoRegistryKeyValue( _In_ WDFDRIVER Driver, _In_ LPWSTR Name, _Out_ PULONG Value ); NTSTATUS InitializePipeContextForHighSpeedDevice( _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); NTSTATUS InitializePipeContextForFullSpeedDevice( _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); NTSTATUS RetrieveDeviceInformation( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device ); USBD_STATUS UsbSamp_ValidateConfigurationDescriptor( _In_reads_bytes_(BufferLength) PUSB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR ConfigDesc, _In_ ULONG BufferLength, _Inout_ PUCHAR *Offset ); NTSTATUS GetStackCapability( _In_ WDFDEVICE Device, _In_ const GUID* CapabilityType, _In_ ULONG OutputBufferLength, _When_(OutputBufferLength == 0, _Pre_null_) _When_(OutputBufferLength != 0, _Out_writes_bytes_(OutputBufferLength)) PUCHAR OutputBuffer ); #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN8) NTSTATUS InitializePipeContextForSuperSpeedDevice( _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); NTSTATUS InitializePipeContextForSuperSpeedIsochPipe( _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, _In_ UCHAR InterfaceNumber, _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); PUSB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR GetEndpointDescriptorForEndpointAddress( _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, _In_ UCHAR InterfaceNumber, _In_ UCHAR EndpointAddress, _Out_ PUSB_SUPERSPEED_ENDPOINT_COMPANION_DESCRIPTOR *ppEndpointCompanionDescriptor ); NTSTATUS InitializePipeContextForSuperSpeedBulkPipe( _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext, _In_ UCHAR InterfaceNumber, _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); USBD_PIPE_HANDLE GetStreamPipeHandleFromBulkPipe( _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); VOID ConfigureStreamPipeHandleForRequest( _In_ WDFREQUEST Request, _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe ); #endif ULONG GetMaxTransferSize( _In_ WDFUSBPIPE Pipe, _In_ PDEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext ); #endif
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