Sample Code

Windows Driver Samples/ Virtual serial driver sample/ C++/ ringbuffer.cpp/

#include "internal.h"

    ) : m_Size(0),

    if (m_Base)
        delete[] m_Base;

    _In_ SIZE_T BufferSize
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    PBYTE buffer = NULL;

    if (0 == BufferSize)
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;

    // Allocate the buffer.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        buffer = new BYTE[BufferSize];
        if (buffer == NULL)
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    // Initialize the ring buffer pointers.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        m_Size = BufferSize;
        m_Base = buffer;
        m_End = buffer + BufferSize;
        m_Head = buffer;
        m_Tail = buffer;

    if (FAILED(hr))
        if (buffer)
            delete[] buffer;
            m_Base = NULL;

    return hr;

    _In_reads_bytes_(DataSize) PBYTE Data,
    _In_ SIZE_T DataSize
    SIZE_T availableSpace;
    SIZE_T bytesToCopy;
    SIZE_T spaceFromCurrToEnd;

    WUDF_TEST_DRIVER_ASSERT(Data && (0 != DataSize));

    if (m_Tail >= m_End)
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Get the amount of space available in the buffer

    // If there is not enough space to fit in all the data passed in by the 
    // caller then copy as much as possible and throw away the rest
    if (availableSpace < DataSize)
        bytesToCopy = availableSpace;
        bytesToCopy = DataSize;

    if (bytesToCopy)
        // The buffer has some space at least
        if ((m_Tail+bytesToCopy) > m_End)
            // The data being written will wrap around the end of the buffer. 
            // So the copy has to be done in two steps -
            // * X bytes from current position to end of the buffer
            // * the remaining (bytesToCopy - X) from the start of the buffer

            // The first step of the copy ...
            spaceFromCurrToEnd = m_End - m_Tail;
            CopyMemory(m_Tail, Data, spaceFromCurrToEnd);
            Data += spaceFromCurrToEnd;
            bytesToCopy -= spaceFromCurrToEnd;

            // The second step of the copy ...
            CopyMemory(m_Base, Data, bytesToCopy);

            // Advance the tail pointer 
            m_Tail = m_Base + bytesToCopy;
            // Data does NOT wrap around the end of the buffer. Just copy it 
            // over in a single step
            CopyMemory(m_Tail, Data, bytesToCopy);

            // Advance the tail pointer
            m_Tail += bytesToCopy;
            if (m_Tail == m_End)
                // We have exactly reached the end of the buffer. The next 
                // write should wrap around and start from the beginning.
                m_Tail = m_Base;

        WUDF_TEST_DRIVER_ASSERT(m_Tail < m_End);

    return S_OK;

    _Out_writes_bytes_to_(DataSize, *BytesCopied) PBYTE Data,
    _In_ SIZE_T DataSize,
    _Out_ SIZE_T *BytesCopied
    SIZE_T availableData;
    SIZE_T dataFromCurrToEnd;

    WUDF_TEST_DRIVER_ASSERT(Data && (DataSize != 0));

    if (m_Head >= m_End)
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Get the amount of data available in the buffer

    if (availableData == 0)
        *BytesCopied = 0;
        return S_OK;
    if (DataSize > availableData)
        DataSize = availableData;
    *BytesCopied = DataSize;

    if ((m_Head + DataSize) > m_End)
        // The data requested by the caller is wrapped around the end of the
        // buffer. So we'll do the copy in two steps -
        //    * Copy X bytes from the current position to the end buffer into 
        //      the caller's buffer
        //    * Copy (DataSize - X) bytes from the beginning to the buffer into
        //      the caller's buffer

        // The first step of the copy ...
        dataFromCurrToEnd = m_End - m_Head;
        CopyMemory(Data, m_Head, dataFromCurrToEnd);
        Data += dataFromCurrToEnd;
        DataSize -= dataFromCurrToEnd;

        // The second step of the copy ...
        CopyMemory(Data, m_Base, DataSize);

        // Advance the head pointer
        m_Head = m_Base + DataSize;
        // The data in the buffer is NOT wrapped around the end of the buffer.
        // Simply copy the data over to the caller's buffer in a single step.
        CopyMemory(Data, m_Head, DataSize);

        // Advance the head pointer
        m_Head += DataSize;
        if (m_Head == m_End)
            // We have exactly reached the end of the buffer. The next 
            // read should wrap around and start from the beginning.
            m_Head = m_Base;

    WUDF_TEST_DRIVER_ASSERT(m_Head < m_End);

    return S_OK;

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