Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Windows Filtering Platform Stream Edit Sample/ C++/ sys/ stream_callout.h/
/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved Abstract: Stream Edit Callout Driver Sample. This sample demonstrates finding and replacing a string pattern from a live TCP stream via the WFP stream API. --*/ #ifndef _STREAM_CALLOUT_H #define _STREAM_CALLOUT_H extern MDL* gStringToReplaceMdl; extern HANDLE gInjectionHandle; extern NDIS_HANDLE gNetBufferListPool; extern STREAM_EDITOR gStreamEditor; // // Configurable parameters // extern USHORT configInspectionPort; extern BOOLEAN configInspectionOutbound; extern BOOLEAN configEditInline; extern CHAR configStringToFind[]; extern CHAR configStringToReplace[]; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4201) // unnamed struct/union typedef struct STREAM_EDITOR_ { BOOLEAN editInline; union { INLINE_EDIT_STATE inlineEditState; struct { OOB_EDIT_STATE editState; BOOLEAN shuttingDown; KSPIN_LOCK editLock; NET_BUFFER_LIST* nblHead; NET_BUFFER_LIST* nblTail; size_t totalDataLength; BOOLEAN noMoreData; NET_BUFFER_LIST* nblEof; size_t busyThreshold; UINT64 flowId; UINT32 calloutId; UINT16 layerId; DWORD streamFlags; KEVENT editEvent; LIST_ENTRY outgoingDataQueue; } oobEditInfo; }; void* scratchBuffer; size_t bufferSize; size_t dataOffset; size_t dataLength; }STREAM_EDITOR; #pragma warning(pop) BOOLEAN StreamCopyDataForInspection( _Inout_ STREAM_EDITOR* streamEditor, const FWPS_STREAM_DATA* streamData ); #endif // _STREAM_CALLOUT_H
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