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Windows Driver Samples/ Microsoft slate system virtual audio device driver sample/ C++/ SwapAPO/ PropPageExtensions/ UIWidgets.cpp/
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All rights reserved. // //**@@@*@@@**************************************************** // // FileName: UIWidgets.cpp // // Abstract: Implementation of CUIWidget and derived classes // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include <DeviceTopology.h> #include "UIWidgets.h" _Analysis_mode_(_Analysis_code_type_user_driver_) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUIWidget base class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CUIWidget::CUIWidget // // Description: // CUIWidget constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUIWidget::CUIWidget ( IPart* pPart, REFIID iid ) : m_hwndParentDlg(NULL), m_iid(iid), m_wstrLabel(NULL), m_bRegisteredForCallbacks(NULL) { // This is done here rather than in the initializer list to avoid a prefix error if (pPart != NULL) { m_spPart = pPart; } m_dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CUIWidget::~CUIWidget // // Description: // CUIWidget destructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUIWidget::~CUIWidget() { SAFE_COTASKMEMFREE(m_wstrLabel); if (m_bRegisteredForCallbacks) { m_spPart->UnregisterControlChangeCallback( this ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CUIWidget::Create // // Description: // -- Activates the control interface on the specified part // -- Registers for control change callbacks // // Parameters: // hwndDlg - [in] Parent dialog of the widget // rc - [in] Not used // ctrlIdBase - [in] Not used // // Return values: // S_OK if successful // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CUIWidget::Create ( HWND hwndDlg, SRECT& /*rc*/, UINT & /*ctrlIdBase*/ ) { HRESULT hr; m_hwndParentDlg = hwndDlg; RPC_STATUS rpcs = UuidCreate(&m_guidEventContext); if (rpcs != RPC_S_OK) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcs); goto Exit; } hr = m_spPart->Activate(CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, m_iid, ( void **)&m_spControl); IF_FAILED_JUMP(hr, Exit); hr = m_spPart->RegisterControlChangeCallback(m_iid, this ); IF_FAILED_JUMP(hr, Exit); m_bRegisteredForCallbacks = TRUE; hr = m_spPart->GetName(&m_wstrLabel); Exit: return hr; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CUIWidget::OnNotify // // Description: // Implementation of IControlChangeNotify::OnNotify // Called when someone calls a "Set" method on a control interface. // // Parameters: // dwProcessId - [in] Process ID // pguidEventContext - Event context guid // // Return: // S_OK always // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT CUIWidget::OnNotify ( DWORD dwProcessId, LPCGUID pguidEventContext ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwProcessId); if ((pguidEventContext == NULL) || (*pguidEventContext != m_guidEventContext)) { // Delegate to derived class HandleControlChangeNotification(); } return S_OK; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CBooleanWidget // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CBooleanWidget::CBooleanWidget // // Description: // CBooleanWidget constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBooleanWidget::CBooleanWidget ( IPart* pPart, REFIID iid ) : CUIWidget(pPart, iid), m_hwndCheckbox(NULL), m_bCurrentValue(FALSE) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CBooleanWidget::Create // // Description: // Creates the widget which is a dialog // // Parameters: // hwndDlg - [in] Parent dialog of the widget // rc - [in] Position of the widget // nCtrlId - [in] Child-window identifier // // Return values: // S_OK if successful // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CBooleanWidget::Create ( HWND hwndDlg, SRECT& rc, UINT & nCtrlId ) { HRESULT hr; HFONT hFont; DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX; // Activate the control interface and register for callbacks hr = CUIWidget::Create(hwndDlg, rc, nCtrlId); IF_FAILED_JUMP(hr, Exit); // Create a check box rc.w = 300; rc.h = 20; m_hwndCheckbox = CreateWindowEx( 0, //WS_EX_STATICEDGE, WC_BUTTON, m_wstrLabel, dwStyle, rc.x, rc.y, // put at (x,y) rc.w, rc.h, m_hwndParentDlg, ( HMENU )( UINT_PTR )nCtrlId, NULL, 0); IF_TRUE_ACTION_JUMP((m_hwndCheckbox == NULL), hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), Exit); // Make the new control use the same font as the dialog hFont = Window_GetFont(hwndDlg); Window_SetFont(m_hwndCheckbox, hFont); // Get the current value hr = HandleControlChangeNotification(); IF_FAILED_JUMP(hr, Exit); Exit: return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CBooleanWidget::HandleControlChangeNotification() // // Description: // Handles widget change notifications // // Return: // S_OK if successful // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CBooleanWidget::HandleControlChangeNotification() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ATLASSERT(m_spControl); ATLASSERT(m_hwndCheckbox); // Set value on DeviceTopology control interface if (m_iid == __uuidof(IAudioLoudness)) { CComQIPtr<IAudioLoudness> spLoudness = m_spControl; hr = spLoudness->GetEnabled(&m_bCurrentValue); } else if (m_iid == __uuidof(IAudioAutoGainControl)) { CComQIPtr<IAudioAutoGainControl> spAGC = m_spControl; hr = spAGC->GetEnabled(&m_bCurrentValue); } else if (m_iid == __uuidof(IDeviceSpecificProperty)) { CComQIPtr<IDeviceSpecificProperty> spBoolCtrl = m_spControl; DWORD cbValue = sizeof (m_bCurrentValue); hr = spBoolCtrl->GetValue(&m_bCurrentValue, &cbValue); } // Set the check box to reflect the current value SendMessage(m_hwndCheckbox, BM_SETCHECK, ( WPARAM )( int )(m_bCurrentValue), 0L); return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: // CBooleanWidget::CommitValue // // Description: // Commit the value set on the control // // Return values: // S_OK if successful // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CBooleanWidget::CommitValue() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ATLASSERT(m_spControl); ATLASSERT(m_hwndCheckbox); // Get current value from check box m_bCurrentValue = (( int )( DWORD )SendMessage(m_hwndCheckbox, BM_GETCHECK, 0L, 0L)); // Set value on DeviceTopology control interface if (m_iid == __uuidof(IAudioLoudness)) { CComQIPtr<IAudioLoudness> spLoudness = m_spControl; hr = spLoudness->SetEnabled(m_bCurrentValue, GetEventContext()); } else if (m_iid == __uuidof(IAudioAutoGainControl)) { CComQIPtr<IAudioAutoGainControl> spAGC = m_spControl; hr = spAGC->SetEnabled(m_bCurrentValue, GetEventContext()); } else if (m_iid == __uuidof(IDeviceSpecificProperty)) { CComQIPtr<IDeviceSpecificProperty> spBoolCtrl = m_spControl; hr = spBoolCtrl->SetValue(&m_bCurrentValue, sizeof (m_bCurrentValue), GetEventContext()); } return hr; }; |
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