Sample Code
Windows Driver Samples/ Native Wifi IHV Service/ C++/ ihvsample/ ihvonexext.cpp/
/*++ Copyright (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation Abstract: Sample IHV Extensibility DLL to extend 802.11 LWF driver for third party protocols. --*/ #include "precomp.h" #define MAX_BACKLOG 32 #define MAX_EXEMPTIONS 1 #define MAX_REGISTRATIONS 2 #define ETHTYPE_EAPOL 0x888e #define EapolTypeEapolKey 0x03 DWORD PlumbWEPKey ( HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle, ULONG uKeyIndex, DOT11_DIRECTION direction, LPBYTE pbKey, ULONG uKeyLen ); DWORD ProcessRC4Key ( HANDLE hIhvExtAdapter, PDOT11_MSONEX_RESULT_PARAMS pOneXResultParams, HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle, HANDLE hSecuritySessionID, ULONG uPktLen, PBYTE pbEapolPkt ); // initialize onex data structure. DWORD GetNewOnexData ( PONEX_DATA* ppOnexData ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; PONEX_DATA pOnexData = NULL; ASSERT( ppOnexData ); if (*ppOnexData) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } // allocate memory. pOnexData = (PONEX_DATA) PrivateMemoryAlloc( sizeof( ONEX_DATA ) ); if (!pOnexData) { dwResult = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } // init fields here. pOnexData->lpfnReceivePacket = Do1xReceivePacket; pOnexData->lpfnIndicateResult = Do1xIndicateResult; // transfer data to caller. (*ppOnexData) = pOnexData; pOnexData = NULL; error: if ( pOnexData ) { FreeOnexData( &pOnexData ); } return dwResult; } // free onex data structure. VOID FreeOnexData ( PONEX_DATA* ppOnexData ) { PONEX_DATA pOnexData = NULL; if ( ppOnexData && (*ppOnexData) ) { // Freeing caller's variable. pOnexData = (*ppOnexData); (*ppOnexData) = NULL; RC4UtilsFreeResultParams( &(pOnexData->pOnexResultParams) ); ZeroMemory( pOnexData , sizeof( ONEX_DATA ) ); PrivateMemoryFree( pOnexData ); } } // verify if result params are available and valid. BOOL IsOneXResultParamsAvailable ( PDOT11_MSONEX_RESULT_PARAMS pOneXResultParams ) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; bResult = ( pOneXResultParams && pOneXResultParams->pbMPPERecvKey && pOneXResultParams->dwMPPERecvKeyLen && pOneXResultParams->pbMPPESendKey && pOneXResultParams->dwMPPESendKeyLen ); TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( "Onex Result Params Available = ", bResult ); return bResult; } // free rc4 packet. VOID FreeRC4Pkt ( PCACHED_PKT pPkt ) { if ( pPkt ) { PrivateMemoryFree( pPkt->pbPkt ); pPkt->pbPkt = NULL; pPkt->uPktLen = 0; } } // flush rc4 packet cache. VOID FlushRC4PktCache ( PONEX_DATA pOnexData ) { ULONG i = 0; ASSERT( pOnexData ); for (i = 0; i< RC4_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { FreeRC4Pkt( &(pOnexData->RC4Cache[i]) ); } } // cache rc4 packet DWORD CacheRC4Pkt ( PONEX_DATA pOnexData, ULONG uPktLen, PBYTE pbEapolPkt ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; PBYTE pbPktCopy = NULL; if ( !(pOnexData && uPktLen && pbEapolPkt) ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } // copy the packet. pbPktCopy = (PBYTE) PrivateMemoryAlloc(uPktLen); if (!pbPktCopy) { dwResult = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } CopyMemory ( pbPktCopy, pbEapolPkt, uPktLen ); // free packet destination. FreeRC4Pkt( &(pOnexData->RC4Cache[pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx]) ); // move packet copy to cache. pOnexData->RC4Cache[ pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx ].pbPkt = pbPktCopy; pOnexData->RC4Cache[ pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx ].uPktLen = uPktLen; TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( "RC4 Packet cached, Index = ", pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx ); // increment index. pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx = (pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx + 1 ) % RC4_CACHE_SIZE; error: return dwResult; } // process cached rc4 packets. DWORD ProcessCachedRC4Packets ( PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulIndex = 0; ULONG uProcessIndex = 0; PONEX_DATA pOnexData = NULL; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); ASSERT( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData ); pOnexData = pAdapterDetails->pOnexData; // If no 1x result available, bail if (!IsOneXResultParamsAvailable( pOnexData->pOnexResultParams )) { dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL( ); } TRACE_MESSAGE( "Processing cached RC4 packets." ); // We process last 2 received frames for ( ulIndex = 1; ulIndex <= RC4_CACHE_SIZE; ulIndex++ ) { uProcessIndex = ( pOnexData->uCacheFreeIdx - ulIndex) % RC4_CACHE_SIZE; if ( ( pOnexData->RC4Cache[uProcessIndex].pbPkt ) && ( pOnexData->RC4Cache[uProcessIndex].uPktLen ) ) { dwResult = ProcessRC4Key ( (HANDLE) &(pAdapterDetails->Link), pOnexData->pOnexResultParams, pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, pOnexData->hSecuritySessionID, pOnexData->RC4Cache[uProcessIndex].uPktLen, pOnexData->RC4Cache[uProcessIndex].pbPkt ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); FreeRC4Pkt( &(pOnexData->RC4Cache[uProcessIndex]) ); } } error: return dwResult; } // pre-associate function for onex profile. DWORD WINAPI Do1xPreAssociate ( PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails, DWORD* pdwReasonCode ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; ULONG uNumExemptions = 0; ULONG uNumRegistrations = 0; DOT11_PRIVACY_EXEMPTION PrivacyExemption[MAX_EXEMPTIONS] = {0}; USHORT usRegistration[MAX_REGISTRATIONS] = {0}; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); ASSERT( pdwReasonCode ); EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; // Reason code is set before making calls that could fail. (*pdwReasonCode) = L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_INVALID_STATE; if ( nic_state_pre_assoc_started != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } // Reason code is set before making calls that could fail. (*pdwReasonCode) = L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_OUTOFMEMORY; dwResult = GetNewOnexData ( &(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData) ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); // Reason code is set before making calls that could fail. (*pdwReasonCode) = L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_HARDWARE_FAILURE; TRACE_MESSAGE( "Setting Auth Algorithm." ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetAuthAlgorithm) ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Setting Unicast cipher algorithm." ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetUnicastCipherAlgorithm) ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Setting Multicast cipher algorithm." ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetMulticastCipherAlgorithm) ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Setting exclude unencrypted flag." ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetExcludeUnencrypted) ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, TRUE ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); // set the exemption handler // In vanilla 1x, 802.1x packets are never encrypted PrivacyExemption[uNumExemptions].usExemptionActionType = DOT11_EXEMPT_ALWAYS; PrivacyExemption[uNumExemptions].usEtherType = htons(ETHTYPE_EAPOL); PrivacyExemption[uNumExemptions].usExemptionPacketType = DOT11_EXEMPT_UNICAST; uNumExemptions++; ASSERT(uNumExemptions <= MAX_EXEMPTIONS); usRegistration[uNumRegistrations] = htons(ETHTYPE_EAPOL); uNumRegistrations++; ASSERT(uNumRegistrations <= MAX_REGISTRATIONS); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Setting ethertype handling." ); dwResult = g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetEtherTypeHandling ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, MAX_BACKLOG, uNumExemptions, PrivacyExemption, uNumRegistrations, usRegistration ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); // Verified before, just after acquiring lock. ASSERT( nic_state_pre_assoc_started == pAdapterDetails->NicState ); pAdapterDetails->NicState = nic_state_pre_assoc_ended; // Reason code is set to SUCCESS. (*pdwReasonCode) = L2_REASON_CODE_SUCCESS; // populate post associate handler functions. pAdapterDetails->pPerformPostAssociateCompletionRoutine = NULL; pAdapterDetails->pPerformPostAssociateRoutine = Do1xPostAssociate; pAdapterDetails->pStopPostAssociateRoutine = Do1xStopPostAssociate; error: if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; } // post-associate function for onex profile. DWORD WINAPI Do1xPostAssociate ( IN PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails, IN HANDLE hSecuritySessionID, IN PDOT11_PORT_STATE pPortState, IN ULONG uDot11AssocParamsBytes, IN PDOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS pDot11AssocParams ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pPortState ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( uDot11AssocParamsBytes ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pDot11AssocParams ); EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; // verify and change state. if ( ( nic_state_post_assoc_started != pAdapterDetails->NicState && nic_state_post_assoc_ended != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) || ( !(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData) ) ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } pAdapterDetails->NicState = nic_state_onex_in_progress; // no need to free old id handle. pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->hSecuritySessionID = hSecuritySessionID; TRACE_MESSAGE( "Starting OneX." ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtStartOneX) ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, NULL // EAP attributes ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->fMSOneXStarted = TRUE; error: if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; } // receive rc4 key. DWORD ReceiveRC4Key ( PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails, ULONG uPktLen, PEAPOL_PACKET pEapolPkt ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); ASSERT( uPktLen ); ASSERT( pEapolPkt ); EnterCriticalSection(&g_csSynch); bLocked = TRUE; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData ); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Received RC4 Key packet." ); if ( IsOneXResultParamsAvailable( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->pOnexResultParams ) ) { // 1x params are available dwResult = ProcessRC4Key ( (HANDLE) &(pAdapterDetails->Link), pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->pOnexResultParams, pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->hSecuritySessionID, uPktLen, (PBYTE)pEapolPkt ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } else { dwResult = CacheRC4Pkt ( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData, uPktLen, (PBYTE) pEapolPkt ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } error: if (bLocked) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csSynch); } return dwResult; } // receive packet function for onex profile. DWORD WINAPI Do1xReceivePacket ( PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails, DWORD dwInBufferSize, LPVOID pvInBuffer ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle = NULL; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; PDOT11_SECURITY_PACKET_HEADER pSecurityPkt = NULL; PEAPOL_PACKET pEapolPkt = NULL; DWORD uReqdPktLen = 0; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); // Must include at least one byte of data uReqdPktLen = FIELD_OFFSET(DOT11_SECURITY_PACKET_HEADER, Data) + 1; if ( dwInBufferSize < uReqdPktLen ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } if ( !pvInBuffer ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } pSecurityPkt = (PDOT11_SECURITY_PACKET_HEADER) pvInBuffer; pEapolPkt = (PEAPOL_PACKET) pSecurityPkt->Data; EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; // validate state. if ( (!(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData)) || ( ( nic_state_onex_in_progress != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) && ( nic_state_post_assoc_ended != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) ) ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } hDot11SvcHandle = pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle; TRACE_MESSAGE( "Received security packet." ); // Ignoring version if ( EapolTypeEapolKey == pEapolPkt->PacketType ) { dwResult = ReceiveRC4Key ( pAdapterDetails, dwInBufferSize - FIELD_OFFSET(DOT11_SECURITY_PACKET_HEADER, Data), pEapolPkt ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } else { // leave lock before sending security packet to AC. LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = FALSE; dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtProcessSecurityPacket) ( hDot11SvcHandle, dwInBufferSize - FIELD_OFFSET(DOT11_SECURITY_PACKET_HEADER, Data), pSecurityPkt->Data ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } error: if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; } // parameters for calling AC with post assoc completion. typedef struct _POST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA { HANDLE hIhvExtAdapter; HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle; HANDLE hSecuritySessionID; DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS PeerMacAddress; DWORD dwSecurityReasonCode; DWORD dwSecurityWin32Error; } POST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA, *PPOST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA; // function to make the actual post assoc completion call. // this function is started in a separate thread. DWORD WINAPI PostAssocComplWorker ( LPVOID pvCtxt ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; PPOST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA pCtxt = (PPOST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA) pvCtxt; PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails = NULL; ASSERT( pCtxt ); EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; dwResult = ReferenceAdapterDetails ( pCtxt->hIhvExtAdapter, &pAdapterDetails ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); if ( nic_state_onex_in_progress != pAdapterDetails->NicState && nic_state_post_assoc_ended != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } pAdapterDetails->NicState = nic_state_post_assoc_ended; LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = FALSE; TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( "Calling PostAssocCompletion, Status = ", pCtxt->dwSecurityWin32Error ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtPostAssociateCompletion) ( pCtxt->hDot11SvcHandle, pCtxt->hSecuritySessionID, &(pCtxt->PeerMacAddress), pCtxt->dwSecurityReasonCode, pCtxt->dwSecurityWin32Error ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); error: if ( pAdapterDetails ) { DerefenceAdapterDetails( pCtxt->hIhvExtAdapter ); } if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } PrivateMemoryFree( pvCtxt ); return dwResult; } // starts a worker thread for the post association completion. DWORD Do1xPostAssocCompletion ( HANDLE hIhvExtAdapter, HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle, HANDLE hSecuritySessionID, PDOT11_MAC_ADDRESS pPeer, DWORD dwSecurityReasonCode, DWORD dwSecurityWin32Error ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; PPOST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA pCtxt = NULL; // allocate memory and copy parameters. pCtxt = (PPOST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA) PrivateMemoryAlloc(sizeof(POST_ASSOC_COMPL_DATA)); if (!pCtxt) { dwResult = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } pCtxt->hIhvExtAdapter = hIhvExtAdapter; pCtxt->hDot11SvcHandle = hDot11SvcHandle; pCtxt->hSecuritySessionID = hSecuritySessionID; if (pPeer) { CopyMemory ( &(pCtxt->PeerMacAddress), pPeer, sizeof(DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS) ); } pCtxt->dwSecurityReasonCode = dwSecurityReasonCode; pCtxt->dwSecurityWin32Error = dwSecurityWin32Error; // start the new thread. dwResult = StartNewProtectedThread ( hIhvExtAdapter, PostAssocComplWorker, pCtxt ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); pCtxt = NULL; error: PrivateMemoryFree( pCtxt ); return dwResult; } // indicate result function for onex profile. DWORD WINAPI Do1xIndicateResult ( PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails, DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT msOneXResult, PDOT11_MSONEX_RESULT_PARAMS pDot11MsOneXResultParams ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; ASSERT( pAdapterDetails ); ASSERT( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData ); // validate state. if ( nic_state_onex_in_progress != pAdapterDetails->NicState && nic_state_post_assoc_ended != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } if ( msOneXResult == DOT11_MSONEX_IN_PROGRESS ) { // free the onex params if they exist RC4UtilsFreeResultParams( &( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->pOnexResultParams) ); FlushRC4PktCache( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData ); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Received DOT11_MSONEX_IN_PROGRESS." ); } else if ( msOneXResult == DOT11_MSONEX_FAILURE ) { TRACE_MESSAGE( "Received DOT11_MSONEX_FAILURE." ); // If failure, indicate right away dwResult = Do1xPostAssocCompletion ( (HANDLE) &(pAdapterDetails->Link), pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle, pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->hSecuritySessionID, NULL, (pDot11MsOneXResultParams && pDot11MsOneXResultParams->Dot11OneXReasonCode != ONEX_REASON_CODE_SUCCESS)? pDot11MsOneXResultParams->Dot11OneXReasonCode: L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_ONEX_FAILURE, msOneXResult ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } else if ( msOneXResult == DOT11_MSONEX_SUCCESS ) { // success case. TRACE_MESSAGE( "Received DOT11_MSONEX_SUCCESS." ); // free result params and get new result params. RC4UtilsFreeResultParams( &(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->pOnexResultParams) ); dwResult = RC4UtilsDecryptResultParams ( pDot11MsOneXResultParams, &(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->pOnexResultParams) ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } // Process cached RC4 packets if any dwResult = ProcessCachedRC4Packets ( pAdapterDetails ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); error: if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; } // stop-post-associate function for onex profile. DWORD WINAPI Do1xStopPostAssociate ( PADAPTER_DETAILS pAdapterDetails, PDOT11_MAC_ADDRESS pPeer, DOT11_ASSOC_STATUS dot11AssocStatus ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pPeer ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( dot11AssocStatus ); EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; TRACE_MESSAGE( "Performing StopPostAssociate." ); if ( ( nic_state_post_assoc_ended != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) && ( nic_state_onex_in_progress != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) && ( nic_state_post_assoc_started != pAdapterDetails->NicState ) ) { dwResult = ERROR_INVALID_STATE; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); } // Reset the port specific variables. if ( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData ) { if(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->fMSOneXStarted) { // NOTE THAT THE OS WILL STOP THE AUTH EVEN IF THIS CALL IS NOT MADE. // The sample should keep track of port downs and call start auth // once a port up is received. dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtStopOneX) ( pAdapterDetails->hDot11SvcHandle ); if(dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // log error dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->fMSOneXStarted = FALSE; } } // flush the rc4 packet cache. FlushRC4PktCache( pAdapterDetails->pOnexData ); // free the result params. RC4UtilsFreeResultParams( &(pAdapterDetails->pOnexData->pOnexResultParams) ); } error: if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; } DWORD PlumbWEPKey ( HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle, ULONG uKeyIndex, DOT11_DIRECTION direction, LPBYTE pbKey, ULONG uKeyLen ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDOT11_CIPHER_DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE pDefaultKey = NULL; ULONG uAllocLen = 0; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; uAllocLen = FIELD_OFFSET(DOT11_CIPHER_DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE, ucKey) + uKeyLen; if (uAllocLen < uKeyLen) { dwResult = ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } pDefaultKey = (PDOT11_CIPHER_DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE) PrivateMemoryAlloc(uAllocLen); if (!pDefaultKey) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } pDefaultKey->AlgorithmId = DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP; pDefaultKey->uKeyIndex = uKeyIndex; pDefaultKey->bDelete = FALSE; pDefaultKey->bStatic = FALSE; pDefaultKey->usKeyLength = (USHORT) uKeyLen; ZeroMemory(&(pDefaultKey->MacAddr), sizeof(DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS)); CopyMemory ( pDefaultKey->ucKey, pbKey, uKeyLen ); EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; TRACE_MESSAGE( "Setting default key." ); TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( " Key Index = ", uKeyIndex ); TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( " Key Length = ", uKeyLen ); TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( " Direction = ", direction ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetDefaultKey) ( hDot11SvcHandle, pDefaultKey, direction ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); error: if (pDefaultKey) { SecureZeroMemory( pDefaultKey, uAllocLen ); PrivateMemoryFree( pDefaultKey ); } if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; } DWORD ProcessRC4Key ( HANDLE hIhvExtAdapter, PDOT11_MSONEX_RESULT_PARAMS pOneXResultParams, HANDLE hDot11SvcHandle, HANDLE hSecuritySessionID, ULONG uPktLen, PBYTE pbEapolPkt ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; PEAPOL_PACKET pEapolPkt = NULL; DWORD dwKeyLen = 0; DWORD dwKeyIndex = 0; LPBYTE pbDecryptedKey = NULL; BOOL bUCast = FALSE; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; EnterCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); bLocked = TRUE; ASSERT( IsOneXResultParamsAvailable ( pOneXResultParams ) ); TRACE_MESSAGE( "Processing RC4 key." ); pEapolPkt = (PEAPOL_PACKET) pbEapolPkt; dwResult = RC4UtilsParseKeyPacket ( pEapolPkt, uPktLen, pOneXResultParams, &bUCast, &pbDecryptedKey, &dwKeyLen, &dwKeyIndex ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR( dwResult ); dwResult = PlumbWEPKey ( hDot11SvcHandle, dwKeyIndex, bUCast ? DOT11_DIR_BOTH : DOT11_DIR_INBOUND, pbDecryptedKey, dwKeyLen ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); if ( bUCast ) { TRACE_MESSAGE_VAL( "Setting default key ID, Key Index = ", dwKeyIndex ); dwResult = (g_pDot11ExtApi->Dot11ExtSetDefaultKeyId) ( hDot11SvcHandle, dwKeyIndex ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); dwResult = Do1xPostAssocCompletion ( hIhvExtAdapter, hDot11SvcHandle, hSecuritySessionID, NULL, L2_REASON_CODE_SUCCESS, ERROR_SUCCESS ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwResult); } error: RC4UtilsFreeKeyMaterial( pbDecryptedKey, dwKeyLen ); if ( bLocked ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &g_csSynch ); } return dwResult; }
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